Step One

Choose 3 reasons FOR being proud and 3 AGAINST. Write them on the front of your booklet.
You can choose your own ideas, but here are some to get you started from our discussion, the passage you read and a few from the teacher.

10 reasons FOR being proud

  1. Beautiful scenery
  2. Friendly people
  3. Peaceful and safe
  4. Healthy: clean water, free prescriptions, good healthcare
  5. Good food products
  6. Clever: lots of famous inventors
  7. Creative: lots of writers, musicians, artists
  8. Funny: lots of famous comedians
  9. Democratic
  10. Good education

10 reasons AGAINST being proud

  1. Bad climate: wet, cold
  2. Poor diet: fried food, sweets and cakes
  3. High rates of drug and alcohol abuse
  4. Not enough for young people to do
  5. Town centres are run down with empty shops
  6. Antisocial behaviour: vandalism, litter, noise, gangs
  7. Public transport is poor (buses and trains)
  8. Lots of poverty and inequality
  9. Crime rate
  10. Homelessness


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