All posts by Mrs Lennon nee Gibb

Home Learning 28.5.20

Maths – Rounding Numbers

Warm up

  • Watch this BBC bitesize clip on how to round numbers.
  • Watch this video on rounding numbers

  • Can you make your own poster/rhyme about rounding?

Main task

  • Copy and complete

Fun finisher

Literacy – Reading

Warm up

Main task

  • Epic – Watch the videos I have assigned to your account on creating your own comic strip.
  • Can you make up your own comic strip?
  • Think about….


Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog grammar


Home Learning 27.5.20

Maths – Code breaker

Warm up

  • Play Topmarks daily 10 – choose level 1 or 2 and work on your addition and subtraction skills.

Main Task

Crack the code – Under the sea

Fun finisher

Can you crack the emoji code? What is the secret message?

Challenge – can you make up your own secret emoji message?

Literacy – Phonics

Warm up

P2 – ff sound

P3 – silent letters

Main Task



  • Copy and complete

  • Choose 3 words and use them in sentences.  Write the sentence in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog grammar for 15 minutes

Enjoy the sunny weather boys and girls!!


Home Learning 26.5.20

Good morning boys and girls.  I hope you enjoyed the long weekend!

Boys and girls we came 19th in the Sumdog competition!!                                            Great job guys 

Maths – Numbers as words

Warm up

  • Enjoy listening to this number song

  • Write numbers as words using a variety of different colours.

Main Task

  • Copy and complete


Fun Finsher

  • Play Sumdog for 15 minutes

Literacy – Spelling

Warm up

P2 – you  was  have  his

P3 – Mrs   Mr   people    looked

  • Complete the task below using your spelling words.

Main Task

Word hunt

  • Choose a few books from the epic website to read.
  • Can you spot your spelling words?
  • How many times did you find each word?
  • What was the most popular word?

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog spelling for 15 minutes



Home Learning 21.5.20

Maths – Digital and Analogue times

Warm up

Main task

  • Look at the picture and answer the questions.


Fun Finisher

  • Play this Topmarks time game
  • Today is the last day of the North Lanarkshire Sumdog competition – how long can you play for today?

Literacy – Nonfiction writing – Life cycles

Warm up

  • Watch these video clips about the life cycle of a butterfly



  • Read this book on the epic website – I have assigned it to your account.

Main task

  • Write down the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly.
  • Draw pictures to match each stage.

Fun finisher

  • What would you do if you could fly like a butterfly?

It is time for our last May holiday weekend.

Our next blog will be on 26.5.20.


Home Learning 20.5.20

Good morning boys and girls.

We are doing really well in the Sumdog competition – Well done!!  Keep playing.

Our tasks for today:

Maths – Addition Function Machines

Warm up

Main task – Addition Function Machines

  • The same as before only this time we are doing addition function machines.

P2 – Copy and complete

P3  – Copy and complete

Fun finisher

  • Play Sumdog for 15 minutes

Literacy  – Non-fiction

Warm up

  • Explore this nonfiction book on the epic website .
  • I have assigned this book to your account.

Epic class code:

Main Task – Non-fiction book review

  • Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog Grammar for 15 minutes

It’s going to be another sunny day   Enjoy!!



Home Learning 19.5.20

Maths – Multiplication

Warm up – Tables revision

  • Revise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables

Things you could do to revise your tables –

  • Chant them in different voices.
  • Make up flashcards – one side has the answer, one side has the sum.
  • Write out your tables using different coloured pens/pencils.
  • Make up a times table game.
  • Play an online tables game.

Main task 


  • Copy and complete


  • Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

  • Play Topmarks Daily 10 – choose level 2 and work on your multiplication skills
  • Copy and complete

Literacy  – Phonics

Warm up

  • Watch the sound videos below.

P2- (ou)cloud  ow (owl)

P3 – ending se (cheese)

Main Task


  • Copy and complete

  • Choose 2 words and use them in sentences.  Write the sentences in your jotter.


  • Write down as many words ending in se as you can think of.  Write the sound in a different colour.
  • Choose 3 or 4 of the words and use them in sentences.  Write the sentences in your jotter and draw a picture to match each sentence.


Fun Finisher

Epic class code:









Home Learning 18.5.20

Maths – Problem Solving

Warm up – mental maths

  • How quickly can you answer these  addition and subtraction questions?
  1.  3+6=
  2. 10-9=
  3. 10+9=
  4. 15-8=
  5. 25-6=
  6. 13+9=
  7. 15+15=
  8. 12-9=
  9. 16-5=
  10. 19-7=
  11. 21-19=
  12. 17+7=


Main Task

  • Have a go at solving these maths problems

  • Write down the strategies you used to help you.

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog maths for 15 minutes.

Literacy – Spelling

Warm up – Look, say, cover, write and check

P2 – the, me, my, into

P3 – little, one, when, out, what

Main Task – Ransom Note

  • Cut out letters from newspapers and magazines to make your words.
  • Glue them on to a piece of paper like the picture shows below.

Fun Finisher – Spelling Check-up

  • Get someone to test you on all of the spelling words that we have completed so far during our home learning sessions.


Home Learning 15.5.20

Morning boys and girls.  I hope you have had a good week.

Maths – Fractions

Warm up

  • Read this story to explore the concept of a half.


  • Watch this clip to find out more about halves and halving  –

BBC Bitesize

Main Task

  • Draw the shapes in your jotter then follow the instructions.
  • Copy and complete:

Fun Finisher

  • NLC Sumdog Competition starts today so get playing!


Literacy – Cloze Procedure

Warm up 

  • Play this Literacy Game – what colour belt can you get to?

Karate Cats

Main Task – Can you identify the missing words

  • Copy and complete.
  • Look at the pictures to help you identify the missing words.

Fun Finisher

  • Find out more about animal habitats.
  • Make a fact book about animal habitats using the information you have gathered.

Home Learning 14.5.20

Maths – Measure

Warm up  – What is capacity?

Watch this clip to find out more about capacity – BBC Bitesize

Main Task

  • Look at the picture and then answer the questions

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog for 15 minutes

Literacy  – Alphabetical Order

Warm up

  • Watch this clip to find out more about alphabetical order

BBC Bitesize

Main Task

  • Can you put the fruits in alphabetical order?

Challenge – Choose a fruit and find out an amazing fact about it.

Fun Finisher

  • Have a go putting words in alphabetical order in this game –

Roy the Zebra




Home Learning 13.5.20

Maths – Time – Months of the year

Warm up

  • Have fun listening to these months of the year songs

Challenge – Can you make up your own funny months of the year song?

Main Task

  • P2 – Look at the picture then answer the questions




  • P3 – Look at the picture then answer the questions

Fun Finisher

  • Have a go at this months of the year word search
  • Play Sumdog for 15 minutes

Literacy  – Phonics

Warm up – Sound videos

P2  sounds – ue     ew     u_e

P3 sound – tch

Main Task


  • Copy and complete


  • Read the tch story

  • Find the tch words and write them in your jotter
  • Write/draw 3 of your own tch words

Fun Finisher

  • Handwriting  – Can you write the letters of the alphabet in you best handwriting?