All posts by Mrs Lennon nee Gibb

Home Learning 11.5.20

Maths – Symmetry

Warm up

  • Read the book on symmetry that i have assigned to your EPIC account.
  • Watch the video on symmetry I have assigned to your EPIC account.

Main task

  • Draw the shapes.
  • Find 1 line of symmetry for each shape.


Fun Finisher


Literacy – Retelling a story

  • Read the story – The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  I have added the story to your EPIC account.

Main Task

  • Retell the main events of the story.

Challenge – Can you make up a new adventure for the Three Billy Goats Gruff?

Fun Finisher

  • Use what you have around the house to make puppets to retell the story above.
  • You could use – socks, lollipop sticks, cardboard, toilet roll holders, paper plates.



Home Learning 10.5.20

Maths – Time

  • Watch these videos to find out more about time.

Main Task – How many?

  • Answer the time questions below.

Fun Finisher

  • Can you solve these time problems?

Literacy – Reading Comprehension 

Warm up – The Cat in the Hat

  • Read the passage below

Main Task

  • Use the passage to answer the questions.

Fun Finisher

  • Enjoy listening to the Cat in the Hat story

  • Follow the instructions and have a go at drawing Cat in the Hat.

Home Learning 9.5.20

Maths – 3 times table

Warm up

  • Watch these videos on counting in 3’s and the 3 times table

P2 – counting in 3’s

  • Copy and complete

P3 –  3 times table 

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog for 15 minutes

Literacy – Phonics

Warm up

P2 – double letters

P3 – soft g

Main Task

  • Write down as many of your sound words as you can remember.
  • Draw pictures to match each word.
  • Highlight or underline the sound in each word.

Fun Finisher



Home Learning 8.5.20

Maths – Greater then, Less than

Warm up

Watch this video clip to find out more about the greater than and less than symbols.


Main task

  • Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

  • Make a greater than less than poster.
  • Include everything you have learned in this lesson.

Literacy – Spelling

Warm up – Look, cover, say, write and check

P2 – have  your   by   only

P3 – must  how  would  also

Main Task – Roll and Spell

  • Use your spelling words to play roll and spell.

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog spelling for 15 minutes


Home Learning 5.6.20

Good morning boys and girls.  I hope you have had a good week.

Our tasks for today:

Maths – Information handling – Tally Marks

Warm up

  • Watch the clips to find out more about tally marks

BBC clips  – Data organisation and tallying

Main Task

  • Look at the picture and answer the questions below.

Fun Finisher


Literacy – Syllables

Warm up

  • Watch this BBC clip to find out more about syllables

Main Task

  • Watch this video clip on syllables

  • Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog Grammar for 15 minutes



Home Learning 4.1.20


Maths – Money – Revision of coins and notes

Warm up

  • Watch this video on  UK coins

  • Watch this video on UK notes

Main Task – How much?

  • Write down the amount of money in each jar.

Fun Finisher

Literacy – Story Writing

Warm up

  • Watch this BBC clip on how to write your own fairy tale.

Main Task – Write your own fairy tale.

  • Can you make up your own fairy tale?
  • Use this story board to help you create your own fairy tale.

  • Draw pictures to match your story.

Fun Finisher

  • EPIC books – enjoy reading some of the fairy tales I have assigned to your account.

Home Learning 3.5.20

Maths – Addition and Subtraction

Warm up – Mental maths

  • Copy and complete the sums below


Main Task – Tens in the square

  • Look at the picture and answer the questions

Fun Finisher

  • Have fun exploring this 100 square 
  • Play Sumdog for 15 minutes

Literacy – Epic – reading

Warm up

  • Read a book/comic about superheros  – I have assigned some to your EPIC account but if you have a superhero book at home  or you’ve found another one online that you would rather read, go for it.

Main Task

  • Write down what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story.


Fun Finisher

  • Have a go at creating your own Superhero.


Home Learning – 2.5.20

Maths – multiplication – repeated addition

Warm up

Main Task

  • Copy and complete

Challenge – write out the 3 and 4 times tables.

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog for 15 minutes

Literacy – phonics

Warm up

P2 – ph sound

P3 – soft c

Main Task


  • Copy the sentences and highlight the words featuring the ph sound.


  • Copy and complete


Fun Finisher

  • Choose a few of your phonics words and make up your own crossword.
  • Choose a book to read on the epic website.


Home Learning – 1.6.20

Maths – addition

Warm up

  • Play Topmarks daily 10 – Choose level 1 or 2 and focus on you addition skills
  • Watch these videos on number bonds

Main Task

  • Copy and complete


Fun Finisher


Literacy – Spelling

Warm up

P2 – you   was   went   his

P3 – called    asked    could   should   because

  • Use your words to create a rainbow.

Main Task – Mnemonics

  • Watch the video below to find out more about mnemonics

  • Can you make up your own mnemonics for your spelling words?

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog spelling for 15 minutes




Home Learning 29.5.20

Maths – Place Value

Warm up

  • Read this book – I have assigned it to your EPIC account.

  • P2 – Watch this BBC bitesize clip on place value.  Play the games and take the quiz.
  • P3 – Watch this BBC bitesize clip on place value.  Play the game and take the quiz.

Main Task

P2 – Tens and ones

  • Copy and complete

P3  – Hundreds, tens and ones

  • Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog maths for 15 minutes

Literacy – Homophones

Warm up

Main Task

  • Write out the sentences below and highlight the homophones.


  • Copy and complete the sentences.
  • Choose the correct homophone to complete the sentences.

Fun Finisher

Enjoy the warm weather this weekend.  See you back here on Monday.