All posts by Mrs Lennon nee Gibb

Microsoft Teams

The children have all been given their Microsoft Teams usernames and passwords.


All homework will now be assigned on Teams.  Reading books will continue to be accessed through Bug Club.

Last week, Mr Green showed us how to access our homework.  Please check the main blog for more information on Microsoft Teams.


Teams Talk

Today we were working on our questioning skills.

We then joined P3b for a chat on teams.

We decided on 6 different questions to ask them to find out what they have been learning about.

We really enjoyed hearing all about what P3b have been up to.

Thanks P3b


Task 1 – Our Bug Club text for this week has been assigned to your account.

Miss Ferguson assigned us some homework during our virtual assembly last week.  Everyone should have received a handprint from Mrs Thomson today.

Task 2 –

Handprint -write 5 words that you would use to describe yourself.

