All posts by Mrs Lennon nee Gibb


As discussed at the parent open day/evening, the homework looks a little different this term.  The children have been given a small plastic homework wallet which should be brought back into school every day.

The wallet contains;

  • a reading book
  • common words
  • sumdog login details
  • reading challenge card (can be completed with a reading book or a book of their choice)

It is up to you how often the reading challenges and sumdog activities are completed.  However, children should be reading every night.

Keep a close eye on our class blog for any additional homework challenges.

Image result for reading quotes for kids dr seuss

Last homework of the year!!!

Primary 2 & 3  (no jotter activities this week)

  • Practise show songs
  • Bring in costumes

Primary 2 (see letter given on 06.06)

Primary 3 – is jeans or jeggings and a cap (T-shirt will be provided by school).  Please bring costume in a bag with name labelled clearly by Wednesday 13th June at the latest

  • Read reading book
  • Have a look around the house, do you have any old books belonging to the school?  If so, please return to school
  • Continue to practise your tables (orally)

Homework 22.05 – 4.06

As it is health week, all activities are based around health and wellbeing.

Choose 4 or 5 of the activities from the list below.


  • Hygiene – Write a set of instructions on how to brush your teeth.
  • Fitness – Go for a walk/run/cycle.
  • Healthy Food – Create a healthy/unhealthy food chart.
  • Sun Safety – Create a poster about sun safety.
  • Fitness – Do 50 star jumps every morning before school.
  • Friendship – Write down 4 things that make you a good friend.
  • Healthy Food – Design & make a healthy breakfast.
  • Fitness – Have a go at doing kids yoga.
  • Emotions – Talk to an adult at home about a time you felt happy/sad/angry/excited.
  • Mindfulness – Have a go at one of the mindfulness activities from this website.

Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone!