All posts by Mrs Lennon nee Gibb

Our Terrific Visit to Tesco

Last week we had a great time on our trip to Tesco.   

We were on the hunt for Scottish food.  We found things like shortbread, steak pie and haggis.  Our favourite part was when we got the opportunity to scan the items at the till.


A big thank you to all the staff at Tesco, particularly Alannah who really made our visit.

Happy Homework

Today your child has been given a new homework jotter.  Inside the jotter is a grid of activities for them to complete this term- until the end of March. You can choose 2 or 3 of these activities to complete each week. Any written work can be completed in the homework jotter and handed in on a Monday.



Nativity Costumes

If the children could bring in the following that would be much appreciated;

P2- Black trousers/leggings/jeans

P3- Jeans

The rest of the costume will be provided by the school. Please bring your costume in a bag with your name on it.

Thanks for your help and support.