All posts by Mrs Lennon nee Gibb

Home Learning 27.3.20

Good morning boys and girls 🙂 I hope you’ve had a great first week of home learning!

Maths – Subtraction

Warm up

Number hunt – find numbers around the house (on the oven, front door, clock etc.)  Can you identify the number before?

Main Task – Can you identify the missing numbers in the calculations?


Copy and Complete

5 – ______    = 1

6 – ______   =  3

8 -______    = 6

15 – _______=

20 – _______ = 15

________ – 4 = 3

________ – 5 = 10

________ – 3 =  5

________ – 7 = 8

________ – 9 = 10



Copy and complete

15 – ______ = 11

12 – ______ = 7

26 – ______ = 19

38  – ______ = 29

48 – ______ = 28

______ – 5 = 25

______ – 8 = 18

______ – 7 = 14

______ – 10 = 50

______ – 13 = 23

Challenge  – Can you teach someone at home how to identify the missing number?

Fun Finisher

Spend 10 minutes playing Sumdog Maths.

Literacy  – Contractions

Warm up

Contractions Hunt – Look in books/magazines/newspapers and find contractions.  Record any you find in your home learning jotter.  Remember not all words with apostrophes are contractions.

Example –

Don’t – Do not –  Is a contraction

Katie’s bag – is not a contraction 

Main Task

P2 – Can you combine the words to create contractions?

Copy and complete

Do not – don’t

I am –

It is –

We will –

Can not –

She is –

P3 –

Can you combine these words to create contractions?

They will –

Were not –

Should not –

Have not –

We have –

Can you split these contractions to make to separate words?

Could’ve –

Won’t –

Isn’t =

I’ve =

They’re =

Challenge – Choose a contraction and use it in a sentence.

Fun Finisher

Make a poster explaining what a contraction is.


Home Learning 26.3.20

Maths – Addition

Warm up

Topmarks – Daily 10 – you choose the skill you would like to work on and the level you would like to try.

Main Task

P2 – adding on a single digit

Copy and complete

13 + 3 =

19 + 6=

14 + 5=

22 + 7=

32 + 6=

45 + 3=

98 + 2 =

37 + 4=

49 + 8=

27 + 9=

P3 – vertical addition (chimney sums)

Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

Make up your own sums addition sums.  Challenge yourself, can you add using 3 digit numbers?

Literacy – Writing 

Warm up

Choose a Fairy tale & read it with someone at home.  Talk about the main events in the story.

Some online Fairy tales can be found here;


Learn English Kids


Main task – Retell story & change the ending

Retell the Fairy tale in your own words.  Can you make up a new ending for the Fairy tale?

P3 challenge – can you rewrite the story as a script?


Fun Finisher

Draw a picture that matches the new ending of the Fairy tale.

Home Learning 25.3.20

Maths – Adding on 10 and 100

Warm up

P2 – counting on and back in 10’s

P3 – Counting on and back in 100’s

Challenge – have a go at starting from numbers other than 0.

Main Task

P3 – 100 more and 100 less

Copy and complete

Choose 5 of your own numbers and write 100 more and 100 less.  If you have different colours available, why not write your more numbers in one colour and your less numbers in another.

P2  – 10 more and 10 less

Copy and complete

The first section of buses above are quite hard to read – here they are again

Write these numbers

Ten, Twenty, Thirty,  Forty, Fifty

Choose 5 of your own numbers and write 10 more and 10 less.  If you have different colours available, why not write your more numbers in one colour and your less numbers in another.

Fun Finisher

Time yourself – how far can you get counting in 10’s and 100’s in 1 minute?


Warm up

Choose a book to read independently or with an adult.  Talk about what happened in the book.

If you don’t have a book at home, here are some online options;

Book Trust

Magic Keys 

Oxford owl – This is a a great website for online books but requires you to register (free to register)

Main Task – the most important event in the story, the most important sentence in the story and the most important words in the story

Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

Draw some of the characters from your book.




Home Learning 24.3.20

Maths  – Odd and Even numbers

Warm up

Watch some of these odd and even number videos

Main Task

Copy and complete

Circle all the odd numbers.

8        1        6        3        12      7        10

4        3        5        14      8        37      9

120      15      10      19      12      91       18


Circle all the even numbers.

8        7        4        15      6        95        10

11       10      72      14      7        36        15

13      17      140      8        5        16      12


Circle the greatest even number.

14      6        11       13

Circle the smallest odd number.

11       12      6        9


Write the odd numbers between

30 and 50

Write the even numbers between

70 and 90

Make a poster about odd and even numbers.

Fun Finisher

Sort pairs of socks.  Sort into odd and even – how many odd socks do you have?  how many matching pairs do you have?

Challenge – Get someone at home to give you a challenge number.  Can you identify whether it is odd or even?  Remember to look at the units figure.


Warm up

Watch this magic e video

Main Task

P2- How many words can you remember from the video? Write and draw the words in your home learning jotters.

P3 – Make a table and record each magic e sound.  Write words for each magic e sound.

a_e                 e_e                 i_e                u_e                 o_e

bake            theme          fine            cube               note

Fun Finisher

Use chalk, sand, steam from the bathroom, foam etc to write magic e words.








Home Learning 23.3.20

Good morning boys and girls.  You should have received your home learning pack and a letter from Miss Ferguson on Friday.  Below are our tasks for today.

MATHS – Number

Warm up

Practise counting on and back in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Clap, whisper, jump or shout as you are counting.

Challlenge – Can you count on and back in 3’s and 4’s

Main Task

Can you partition these numbers into Hundreds, Tens and Units and Tens and Units?

P2 – TU

Copy and complete

32 = 3 tens and 2 units

46 =

18 =

12 =

89 =

23 =

50 =

21 =

98 =

20 =

43 =

P3 – HTU

139 = 1 hundred, 3  ten and 9units












Fun Finisher

Play the game Shark numbers on Topmarks

If this game does not work on your device play Sumdog maths.

LITERACY – Spelling













Warm up

Rainbow write the words above.

Main Task

Write a short story. Can you use all of your words in the story?

Fun Finisher –

Spend 10 minutes playing Sumdog Spelling.



World Book Day

Tomorrow is World Book Day. We have lots of fun activities planned for the school day but unfortunately due to it being a PE day the children are being asked not to dress up. However the children are being invited to bring their favourite book to school tomorrow to share with their classmates.