All posts by Mrs Lennon nee Gibb

24.4.20 Home Learning

Good morning boys and girls.  That’s the end of another week of home learning.   I hope you’ve enjoyed your home learning tasks and you have had some fun being active outside in the sun.

Our home learning tasks for today:

Maths – Time

Warm up

  • Watch this video to explore time

It is a long one so you can skip parts or watch some of it later.

Main Task

P2 – O’clock and half past

  • Copy and complete

P3 – O’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.

  • Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog maths for 15 minutes

Literacy – verbs

Warm up

Explore this clip to find out more about verbs and have a go at the verbs quiz- BBC Bitesize

  • Write/draw as many verbs as you can think of.

Main Task

  • Copy and complete

  • Challenge – Make up your own sentences using these verbs – ran, swim, jumped and dance.

Fun Finisher

  • Play a game of verb charades with someone at home.  Someone has to act out the verb while the other person guesses what verb is being acted out.

Friday Fun  – Fancy a virtual trip to the zoo?  Why not join Chester Zoo for a fun virtual day at the zoo.  Just follow the links on this website – Chester zoo

Have a lovely weekend boys and girls!

23.4.20 Home Learning

Maths -Position and Movement

Warm up – Compass points

  • Watch this video

  • Can you make up your own top tip to help you remember North, South, East and West



Main Task – Location on a grid

  • Look at the grid below and write down where each animal can be found.

Fun Finisher

  • Explore more about grid referencing by playing this game.

Literacy – Writing – Story settings

Warm up

  • Watch these videos to explore story settings

  • Write/draw 2 or 3 different story settings

Main Task

  • Choose one of these story settings

  • Make up a story using your chosen setting.
  • Remember to use adjectives to describe the setting in your story.

Fun Finisher

  • Make your story into a short book.
  • Give the story a title, draw matching pictures, write a blurb.

Home Learning 22.4.20

Maths – Addition and Subtraction

Warm up- Addition and Subtraction Links

  • Explore the links between addition and subtraction
  • Watch these videos


Main Task  – Links between addition and subtraction

Complete these fact families


Fun Finisher

  • Make up your own fact family triangle, ask someone at home to complete it.
  • Topmarks Maths – Choose level 1 or 2 and focus on your subtraction skills.

Literacy – Reading

  • How many of these words can you read?



  • Keep  a note of the words you can’t read and keep working on them over the next few weeks.

Main Task – Reading Comprehension

P2 – Read the passage and answer the questions


P3 – read the passage and answer the questions

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog Reading for 15 minutes

Home Learning 21.4.20

Our learning tasks for today:

Maths – Multiplication

Warm up

P2  – watch these videos on the 2 times table

P3 – watch these videos on the 5 times table.

Main Task –


  • Chant the 2 times table – use a quiet, loud, funny voice
  • Copy and complete


  • Chant the 5 times table – use a quiet, loud, funny voice
  • Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

  • Have fun playing this game Funky Mummy – focus on the times tables game.

Literacy – Phonics

 Warm up

  • Explore the sounds below:

P2 – ee, ea and y sounds

P3 – o, oa, ow and oe

  • Write down as many words as you can remember.  If you have different colours available to you,  write the sound in a different colour.

Main Task  – Phonics Flowers

  • Choose one of the sounds you have learned above.
  • Draw a flower and write the sound in the middle.
  • Write words with that sound in the petals.


Challenge – can you spell the words without looking at your flower?

Fun Finisher

  • Have fun playing phonics games on this website – you choose the sound and the level you would like to work on – Phonics Bloom




Home Learning 20.4.20

Good morning boys and girls.  I hope you managed to relax and have fun over the Easter Holidays.

Our home learning tasks for today are:

Maths – Addition

Warm up – Mental maths timed challenge.

  • Time yourself, how quickly can you complete these sums?

1. 3+2= 6+6=  8+3=  9+8= 7+7=  5+4= 12+4= 15+5=  9+7=   10+13=

2.  6+6=  9+5=  12+12=  15+4=  20+10=  17+4=  16+7=  13+7=  14+12= 23+6=

Challenge – talk about some of the strategies you used to help you complete the sums above.

Main Task –

P2- Doubles/Near Doubles

  • P2  – Copy and complete

  • P3 – Adding on 10

Copy and complete

Fun Finisher 

  • Play Topmarks Daily 10 – choose level 1 or 2 and focus on your addition skills.

Literacy -Spelling

Warm up

  • Rainbow write the words below – write your words 5 times, using a variety of different colours












Main Task 

  • Choose one of your words and create an acrostic poem.

Fun Finisher

  • Spend 15 minutes playing Sumdog Spelling


Home Learning 3.4.20


Good morning boys and girls!  That’s the end of another week of home learning. I hope you have enjoyed your week.  Here are our tasks for today;

Maths – Symmetry

  • Watch this video to remind yourself about symmetry.

  • Play these symmetry games-

Topmarks Symmetry Matching 

Tomarks Symmetry Sorting

Main Task – Easter Symmetry

  • Copy and complete;

Fun Finisher

  • Create your own symmetrical Easter egg.
  • Play Sumdog Maths for 15 minutes

Literacy -Punctuation

Warm Up

  • Punctuation Hunt – Look in books, magazines and newspapers at home.  What punctuation can you find?
  • How many full stops?
  • How many questions marks?
  • How many exclamation marks?
  • Did you find anything else?

Challenge – Have you found any other punctuation marks? Find out why we use them.

Main Task – Punctuate the sentences

  • Copy and complete;

Fun Finisher

Play these punctuation games

Roy the Zebra Full Stop Game       

Turtle Diary Punctuation Game

That’s us finished for the Easter Holidays.   I hope you all have fun and enjoy eating some chocolate.

Please remember to;


Our next home learning blog will be posted on the 20.4.20.

Home Learning 2.4.20

Maths – Multiplication

Warm up 

  • P2 – Practise counting in 2’s and 10’s.
  • P3 – Practise counting in 5’s, 10’s, 3’s and 4’s

Main Task

  • Watch this video to learn more about array patterns

  • Can you make up your own array pattern?


  • P2 – In your home learning jotter, write out the 2 times table.
  • P3 – In your home learning jotter, write out the 5 and 10 times table.

Challenge – can you count in 4’s?  Have a go at writing out the 4 times table.

Fun Finisher

  • Can you find objects around the house and group them together in sets of 2, 4, 5 and 10.

Literacy – Writing – Characters

Warm up

  • Think about characters from stories.
  • Choose 2 or 3 of your favourite characters, draw them and write words to describe them.

Main Task  – Creating a character

  • Watch this short video on creating a character.
  • Create your own character. Use adjectives to describe your character.

Challenge – create a short story about your character.

Fun Finisher

  • Play a game of Who Am I?
  • Here are the rules of the game if you are unsure how to play it – Who am I?

Home Learning 1.4.20

Maths – Subtraction

Warm up

  • Topmarks Daily 10 – This week choose level 1 or 2 and focus on your subtraction skills.

Main Task

  • P2- Subtraction Sums

Copy and Complete

8  – 6 =

8 –  4 =

9  – 3 =

7 – 7 =

10 – 8 =

12 – 6 =

15 – 6 =

23 – 3 =

20 – 10 =

27 – 8 =

  • P3 – subtraction sums

25 – 10 =

38 – 8 =

19 – 6 =

27 -8 =

59 – 6 =

21 – 11 =

35 – 7 =

99 – 10 =

67 – 9 =

73 – 5 =

Fun Finisher

  • Make up some of your own subtraction sums for someone to complete at home.  Be the teacher and mark their work.

Literacy – Reading – Non-Fiction

Warm up

  • Find out more about fiction and non-fiction books.

  • In your home learning jotters, write down something you have learned about fiction and non-fiction books.

Main Task – Non Fiction Reading

  • Explore this website to find out more about Spring
  • Take notes on what you’ve read.  Use bullet points to organise very important points.

Fun Finisher

  • Make a fact file using the notes you have taken.
  • Play Sumdog Reading for 15 minutes.

Home Learning 31.3.20

Maths – Time

Warm up

  • Watch some of these videos on time


  • Write down 5 things you have learned about time.

Main Task

  • Record each activity you did yesterday.
  • Write & draw what you did.
  • Then draw a picture of a clock showing the time you did it.


9.00am Had breakfastImage result for picture child having breakfast cartoon  

Fun Finisher – Timer Task

  • In one minute – how many star jumps, tuck jumps, side to side jumps can you do?
  • Start a timer, close your eyes, open them when you think the minute is up.  How close to the minute did you open your eyes?

Literacy – Phonics

  • Explore these sounds;

P2 – ay (day) ai (paint)


P3 ey (key)  ea (sea)


Main Task

  • Choose a few of the words you have learned above

Did you spell  all the words correctly, without looking?

Challenge – Think about other ways to make that same sound.  Write down other words that make the same sound but with a different spelling.

Example   pea – see             chain – snake

Fun Finisher

  • Use chalk, sand, steam from the bathroom, foam to write words you have learned today.


Home Learning 30.3.20

Maths – Addition

Warm up – Target number

Choose a number – write down as many addition sums as you can for that target number.

Main task – Missing Number Calculations


8 + ______ = 16

4 + ______ = 12

6 + ______ = 9

15 + ______ = 19

12 + _______ = 23

_______ + 5 = 20

_______ + 8 = 17

_______ + 4 = 10

_______ + 10 = 19

_______ + 9 = 12


12 + ______ = 20

19 + ______ = 23

50 + ______ = 61

28 + ______ = 35

68 + ______ = 77

_______ + 9 = 19

_______ + 20 = 100

_______ + 10 = 23

_______ + 9 = 34

_______ + 8 = 23

Fun Finisher

Play this game on Topmarks – Hit the button – Focus on the number bonds game.

Literacy – Spelling – Waterfall Words

Write each word 3 times using Waterfall writing (as shown above.)












Main Task

Make up your own silly sentences using your spelling words.

Challenge – How many of your words can you find in books/magazines/newspapers around the house?

Fun Finisher – 

Depending on what you have available to you at home, have a go at one of these spelling games;

  • Spelling Puzzle: Make a home-made puzzle by writing the words in large on a piece of card.  Cut it up and then piece it back together again?
  • Spelling Word Race: Create two teams with a player from each team taking the ‘pen’ at a time. Someone calls out the word and the two players race to write the word first.
  • Type it out: Open up a document to type on. Get someone to call out the words for you to spell.   Then play around with the word; increase the font size, change the colour etc.
  • Online Spelling game – Have a go at this online  spelling game  – Spooky Spelling