All posts by Mrs Lennon nee Gibb

Home Learning 12.5.20

Good morning boys and girls.  I hope you enjoyed your long weekend.  Our tasks for today:

Maths – Data Handling

Warm up – Watch this BBC Bitesize clip to find out more about Data handling.

BBC Bitesize

Main Task

P2 – How do we get to school?

  • Look at the pictograph and then answer the questions:

P3 – Favourite Parks

  • Copy and complete

Fun Finsher

  • Have a go at some of these data handling Topmarks games.

Fruit Fall


Bar Charts

Literacy – Spelling and Reading

Warm up – A new website to explore

Epic Books  – Follow the login details below – remember to use our class code  dys8261.  Click on your name, choose a book and have fun reading.

Main Task – Spelling

P2 words – all, are, my, her

P3 words – do, some, come, were, there

  • Write a story using all of your spelling words.

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog Spelling for 15 minutes
  • Have a go at this Topmarks Spelling game – you choose which words you would like to work on.


Home Learning 7.5.20

Good morning boys and girls.   Our tasks for today:

Maths – 3d shape

Warm up

  • Listen to this song about 3d shapes.

  • Watch this clip on 3d shapes and then take the quiz. –

BBC Bitesize

Main Task

P2 – 3d World

  • Look at the picture then answer the questions.

P3 – 3d Shape Monsters

  • Look at the picture and answer the questions.

  • If you have any blocks at home, have a go at building your own monster.

Fun Finisher

  • Can you solve these 2d and 3d shape riddles?

Literacy  – Writing Instructions



  • Watch this video to remind yourself how to write instructions.

  • List some of the things we might need instructions for.

Main  – How to Wash Your Hands

  • Explore these hand washing videos:

  • Hand washing is so important at the moment – Can you write a set of instructions on how to wash your hands properly?



  • Time conjunctions

  • Imperative  Verbs (bossy verbs)

  • Draw pictures to  match your instructions.

Fun Finisher  –

  • Listen to/ join in with these hand washing songs.

Challenge – Can you make up your own hand washing song?

That’s us reached our first long May weekend.  Our next blog will be on Tuesday 12th of May.  Relax, enjoy and have fun! 



Home Learning 6.5.20

Maths – Multiplication

  • Watch this video to recap the 5 times table

  • Have go  at the games on BBC Bitesize then take the quiz at the end.

Main Task


  • Copy and Complete


  • Copy and complete


Literacy  – Fiction and Non-Fiction

Watch the clip to find out more about fiction and non-fiction

BBC Bitesize

Main Task – Fiction and Non-fiction sorting

Task 1

  • Draw a table with the headings fiction and non-fiction
  • Sort the book titles – ask yourself is it fiction or non-fiction?
  • Write the book title in the appropriate section of your table
  • Add in the titles of any other books you have read


Task 2   

  • Write your own title for a fiction and non-fiction book.


Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog Grammar for 15 minutes

Health and Wellbeing – Why not have a go at some relaxation techniques with Mrs McMillan?

Take a moment with Mrs McMillan

Remember only do what you can and have some fun in the sun today.




Home Learning 5.1.20

Maths – Subtraction

Warm up

Main Task  – Subtraction Function Machines

Function Machines

  • Take the number in the middle of the robot away from the number on the left.
  • You can draw the robots into your jotter or you can just write the sum.


  • P2 – subtraction within 20

The first one is done for you 9 – 5 = 4

  • P3 – subtraction within 100

The first one is done for you  53 – 20 = 33

Fun Finisher

  • Have a go at this maths game

Karate Cats Maths

Literacy  – Phonics

P3 sound – dge (fudge)

P2 – oa (boat) ow (snow)

Main Task


Task 1

  • Write the key words in your jotter (write the sound in a different colour)

Task 2

  • Copy out the poem and highlight the words with the oa sound in them

Challenge – Can you make up your own poem?

Task 3

  • In this picture can you find 2 words that have the ow sound in them – draw/write them in your jotter

Task 4

  • Draw the picture and write the correct spelling in your jotter


Task 1

  • Write these key words in your jotter (write the sound in a different colour)

Task 2

  • Copy out the poem and highlight the dge words

Challenge – Can you make up your own poem?

Task 3

  • Copy and complete the sentences

Task 4

  • Copy and complete


Fun Finisher

  • Draw a  sound picture
  • Include as many things as you can that feature your focus sound

For example

P2  – you might include a toad on the road

P3 – you might include some fudge in a fridge




Home Learning 4.5.20

Our tasks for today:

Maths – Adding 3 numbers

Warm up  

  • Watch these video clips

BBC Bitesize

Main Task 

P2  – Adding 3 digits

  • Copy and complete

P3 – Identify the missing digit

  • Copy and Complete

Fun Finisher

  • Have a go at adding these number squares – find the total for each row and column.


Literacy  – Spelling

Warm up – Look, cover, say, write and check 

P2 words – be, was, you, they

P3 words – put, said, have, like, so

Main Task – Across and Down

  • Use your words to complete this task:

Fun Finisher – Sign Language

  • Have a go at learning to sign your spelling words

  • Play Sumdog spelling for 15 minutes



Home Learning – 1.5.20


Our tasks for today:

Maths – 2d shape

Warm up

  • Watch this video about 2d shapes

  • Go on a shape hunt around your home – what shapes can you find?

Main Task

  • Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Fun Finisher

  • Use 2d shapes to create a picture.


Literacy – Adjectives

Warm up

  • Watch these videos to learn more about adjectives.

Main Task

  • Copy and complete

Challenge – Choose some of these adjectives to create your own sentences.

Fun Finisher

  • Draw your favourite animal – write adjectives to describe that animal.

Another week of home learning complete!!  Relax and enjoy the weekend.  See you back here on Monday for some more home learning fun.

Home Learning – 30.4.20

Maths  – Money

Warm Up

  • Watch these clips to learn more about money.

Main Tasks

Task 1

Task 2

Fun Finisher

  • Have a go at some of these money games:

Toy Shop Money Games

Coins Game

The Coin Cruncher

Literacy – Writing

Warm up

  • Explore this story – The Magic Paintbrush

Main Task

  • Can you make up your own story about a magic paintbrush?
  • Things to think about when you are writing a story:

Fun Finisher

  • Design your own paintbrush

Home Learning 29.4.20

Maths  – Subtraction

Warm up  – Bridging through 10

  • Watch this clip to help you learn more about bridging through 10 – BBC Bitesize

Main Task


  • Copy and complete


  • Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

  • Mental maths challenge – Time yourself, how quickly can you complete the sums below.
  1.  5 – 4 =   8 – 6 =  10 – 8 =  7 – 4 =  12 – 10 =  13 – 5=
  2. 10 – 5 =  9 – 4 =  13 – 2 =  17 – 6 = 20 – 4 = 14 – 7 =
  3. 19  – 8 =  16 – 7 =   20 – 12 =  12 – 8 =  17 – 9 = 11 – 8=

Literacy – Reading  – Authors

Warm up  – Authors Live

  • Choose one of these authors live events to watch

Scottish Book Trust – Authors Live

Main Task – Author Research

  • Use the internet to find out more about the author you have chosen
  • Some questions you could find out –

Fun Finisher

  • Use all of the information you have gathered above to make a fact file about  your chosen author.



Home Learning 28.4.20

Maths – 10 times table

Warm up 

  • Explore the 10 times table by watching these videos

Main Task 

  • Copy and complete

  • P3 challenge – Can you count in 4’s? Have a go at writing out the 4 times table.

Fun Finisher

  • Make a set of flashcards for a times table of your choice
  • Write the sum/calculation on the front (2×5) and then write the answer on the back (10)
  • Get someone at home to use the flashcards to test you

Literacy – Phonics

  • Watch the following sound videos
  • P2 – igh   ie   y


  • P3 – ou   mouse


Main Task


  • Copy and complete


  • Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

  • Write a short story.
  • Use as many of your phonics words in your story as you can.

Home learning 27.4.20

Good morning boys and girls.  I hope you had a relaxing weekend in the sun.  Time for another week of home learning.

Our tasks for today:

Maths – Addition

Warm up – mental maths

Main Task – addition sums

  • P2 Copy and complete

  • P3 Copy and complete

Fun Finisher – Addition word problems

  • Can you solve these addition word problems?

  • Can you make up your own addition word problem?

Literacy – Spelling

Warm  up -Look, cover, say, write and check

  • P2  words – he, she, we, me
  • P3 words – came, make, here, saw, very

Main Task – Join the dots

Fun Finisher

  • Play Sumdog spelling for 15 minutes