Home Learning 1.4.20

Maths – Subtraction

Warm up

  • Topmarks Daily 10 – This week choose level 1 or 2 and focus on your subtraction skills.

Main Task

  • P2- Subtraction Sums

Copy and Complete

8  – 6 =

8 –  4 =

9  – 3 =

7 – 7 =

10 – 8 =

12 – 6 =

15 – 6 =

23 – 3 =

20 – 10 =

27 – 8 =

  • P3 – subtraction sums

25 – 10 =

38 – 8 =

19 – 6 =

27 -8 =

59 – 6 =

21 – 11 =

35 – 7 =

99 – 10 =

67 – 9 =

73 – 5 =

Fun Finisher

  • Make up some of your own subtraction sums for someone to complete at home.  Be the teacher and mark their work.

Literacy – Reading – Non-Fiction

Warm up

  • Find out more about fiction and non-fiction books.

  • In your home learning jotters, write down something you have learned about fiction and non-fiction books.

Main Task – Non Fiction Reading

  • Explore this website to find out more about Spring
  • Take notes on what you’ve read.  Use bullet points to organise very important points.

Fun Finisher

  • Make a fact file using the notes you have taken.
  • Play Sumdog Reading for 15 minutes.

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