Maths – Place Value
Warm up
- Read this book – I have assigned it to your EPIC account.

- P2 – Watch this BBC bitesize clip on place value. Play the games and take the quiz.
- P3 – Watch this BBC bitesize clip on place value. Play the game and take the quiz.
Main Task
P2 – Tens and ones

P3 – Hundreds, tens and ones

Fun Finisher
- Play Sumdog maths for 15 minutes
Literacy – Homophones
Warm up

Main Task
- Write out the sentences below and highlight the homophones.

- Copy and complete the sentences.
- Choose the correct homophone to complete the sentences.

Fun Finisher
Enjoy the warm weather this weekend. See you back here on Monday.

Maths – Rounding Numbers
Warm up
- Watch this BBC bitesize clip on how to round numbers.
- Watch this video on rounding numbers

- Can you make your own poster/rhyme about rounding?
Main task

Fun finisher
Literacy – Reading
Warm up
Main task
- Epic – Watch the videos I have assigned to your account on creating your own comic strip.
- Can you make up your own comic strip?
- Think about….

Fun Finisher
Maths – Code breaker
Warm up
- Play Topmarks daily 10 – choose level 1 or 2 and work on your addition and subtraction skills.
Main Task
Crack the code – Under the sea

Fun finisher
Can you crack the emoji code? What is the secret message?

Challenge – can you make up your own secret emoji message?
Literacy – Phonics
Warm up
P2 – ff sound
P3 – silent letters
Main Task


- Choose 3 words and use them in sentences. Write the sentence in your jotter.
Fun Finisher
- Play Sumdog grammar for 15 minutes
Enjoy the sunny weather boys and girls!!

Good morning boys and girls. I hope you enjoyed the long weekend!
Boys and girls we came 19th in the Sumdog competition!! Great job guys 
Maths – Numbers as words
Warm up
- Enjoy listening to this number song

- Write numbers as words using a variety of different colours.
Main Task

Fun Finsher
- Play Sumdog for 15 minutes
Literacy – Spelling
Warm up
P2 – you was have his
P3 – Mrs Mr people looked
- Complete the task below using your spelling words.

Main Task
Word hunt
- Choose a few books from the epic website to read.
- Can you spot your spelling words?
- How many times did you find each word?
- What was the most popular word?

Fun Finisher
- Play Sumdog spelling for 15 minutes

Maths – Digital and Analogue times
Warm up
Main task
- Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Fun Finisher
- Play this Topmarks time game
- Today is the last day of the North Lanarkshire Sumdog competition – how long can you play for today?

Literacy – Nonfiction writing – Life cycles
Warm up
- Watch these video clips about the life cycle of a butterfly
- Read this book on the epic website – I have assigned it to your account.

Main task
- Write down the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly.
- Draw pictures to match each stage.

Fun finisher
- What would you do if you could fly like a butterfly?

It is time for our last May holiday weekend.

Our next blog will be on 26.5.20.

Good morning boys and girls.
We are doing really well in the Sumdog competition – Well done!! Keep playing.
Our tasks for today:
Maths – Addition Function Machines
Warm up
Main task – Addition Function Machines
- The same as before only this time we are doing addition function machines.
P2 – Copy and complete

P3 – Copy and complete

Fun finisher
- Play Sumdog for 15 minutes
Literacy – Non-fiction
Warm up

- Explore this nonfiction book on the epic website .
- I have assigned this book to your account.

Epic class code:

Main Task – Non-fiction book review

Fun Finisher
- Play Sumdog Grammar for 15 minutes
It’s going to be another sunny day

Maths – Multiplication
Warm up – Tables revision
- Revise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
Things you could do to revise your tables –
- Chant them in different voices.
- Make up flashcards – one side has the answer, one side has the sum.
- Write out your tables using different coloured pens/pencils.
- Make up a times table game.
- Play an online tables game.
Main task


Fun Finisher
- Play Topmarks Daily 10 – choose level 2 and work on your multiplication skills
- Copy and complete

Literacy – Phonics
Warm up
- Watch the sound videos below.
P2- (ou)cloud ow (owl)
P3 – ending se (cheese)
Main Task

- Choose 2 words and use them in sentences. Write the sentences in your jotter.
- Write down as many words ending in se as you can think of. Write the sound in a different colour.
- Choose 3 or 4 of the words and use them in sentences. Write the sentences in your jotter and draw a picture to match each sentence.
Fun Finisher
Epic class code:

Maths – Problem Solving
Warm up – mental maths
- How quickly can you answer these addition and subtraction questions?
- 3+6=
- 10-9=
- 10+9=
- 15-8=
- 25-6=
- 13+9=
- 15+15=
- 12-9=
- 16-5=
- 19-7=
- 21-19=
- 17+7=
Main Task

- Have a go at solving these maths problems

- Write down the strategies you used to help you.
Fun Finisher
- Play Sumdog maths for 15 minutes.
Literacy – Spelling
Warm up – Look, say, cover, write and check
P2 – the, me, my, into
P3 – little, one, when, out, what

Main Task – Ransom Note
- Cut out letters from newspapers and magazines to make your words.
- Glue them on to a piece of paper like the picture shows below.

Fun Finisher – Spelling Check-up
- Get someone to test you on all of the spelling words that we have completed so far during our home learning sessions.

Morning boys and girls. I hope you have had a good week.
Maths – Fractions
Warm up

- Read this story to explore the concept of a half.
- Watch this clip to find out more about halves and halving –
BBC Bitesize
Main Task
- Draw the shapes in your jotter then follow the instructions.
- Copy and complete:

Fun Finisher
- NLC Sumdog Competition starts today so get playing!
Literacy – Cloze Procedure
Warm up
- Play this Literacy Game – what colour belt can you get to?
Karate Cats
Main Task – Can you identify the missing words
- Copy and complete.
- Look at the pictures to help you identify the missing words.

Fun Finisher
- Find out more about animal habitats.
- Make a fact book about animal habitats using the information you have gathered.

Maths – Measure
Warm up – What is capacity?
Watch this clip to find out more about capacity – BBC Bitesize
Main Task
- Look at the picture and then answer the questions

Fun Finisher
- Play Sumdog for 15 minutes
Literacy – Alphabetical Order
Warm up
- Watch this clip to find out more about alphabetical order
BBC Bitesize
Main Task
- Can you put the fruits in alphabetical order?

Challenge – Choose a fruit and find out an amazing fact about it.
Fun Finisher
- Have a go putting words in alphabetical order in this game –
Roy the Zebra
Primary 2/3 and Mrs Lennon's class blog