Lots of fun and games at the P3 Party today.
Monthly Archives: December 2019
Lights, Camel, Action 2
Well done to all the boys and girls for a great Nativity performance.
Our Nativity will take place this Friday. The morning performance will begin at 9.30 and the afternoon performance at 1.30.
On Friday, could children please come to school wearing a school polo shirt and black/dark trousers (joggers/leggings/school trousers.) The children will be provided with a t-shirt to wear for the performance.
Christmas Fun
Christmas fun in the learning zone….
A busy day
Friday was a very busy day…..
As part of our Enterprise topic, we made a build your own snowman kit to sell at the Christmas Fayre.
We made posters to put on our window telling everyone about the Christmas Faye.
We read with our reading buddies.
Then we talked about the importance of communication with Mrs Keith.