Today in maths we took part in 4 different maths Stations. All of the stations were focused on money.

Our favourite station was the Woodlands Toy Shop. At this station we had to choose 2 items and add the prices together to find the total amount.
Today the children were given a new homework grid to complete. Choose one or two festive tasks to complete each week.

Remember to continue to read each night.
Today we were working hard on our Nativity songs.

In literary, we have been learning about contractions.

We had fun using our library books and hunting for contractions.

Today we started learning about money

We explored making different amounts then played money games in ICT.

Have a go at some of these money games at home;
Remember homework this week is to explore the Read, Write, Count bags which were given out last week.
Today we learned all about the charity Children in Need and we took part in a variety of different activities.
This week our homework is to design a Fairtrade T-shirt.

The children have been given a template and will be judged on the following;
- Include the Fairtrade logo
- Use Fairtrade colours – blue, black and green
- Include Fairtrade products
- Include a Fairtrade slogan
The children’s entries need to have their name, class and house on it.
Entries to Mr McMullan by Friday 8th November.
We’ve had lots of Halloween fun this week
Primary 2/3 and Mrs Lennon's class blog