As it is health week, all activities are based around health and wellbeing.
Choose 4 or 5 of the activities from the list below.
- Hygiene – Write a set of instructions on how to brush your teeth.
- Fitness – Go for a walk/run/cycle.
- Healthy Food – Create a healthy/unhealthy food chart.
- Sun Safety – Create a poster about sun safety.
- Fitness – Do 50 star jumps every morning before school.
- Friendship – Write down 4 things that make you a good friend.
- Healthy Food – Design & make a healthy breakfast.
- Fitness – Have a go at doing kids yoga.
- Emotions – Talk to an adult at home about a time you felt happy/sad/angry/excited.
- Mindfulness – Have a go at one of the mindfulness activities from this website.
Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone!
We all had great fun taking part in sports day today.
This week we took some of our learning outside…
Homework Primary 2 &3
- Read a chapter of your book each night. Remember to bring your book into school each day.
- In your homework jotter, write a summary of each chapter.
- Continue on with the games assigned to your Active Learn account.
- Complete worksheet given on 16.5
- Draw and label a picture of a Roman Soldier
- Remember it is sports day on Friday. Remember to wear your gym kit, bring a bottle of water and wear sunscreen.
Primary 2
Literacy – Reading and Phonics
- Read your book every night and remember to bring your book into school every day.
- Talk about and explore using the contents and index page.
- Phonics sounds – o_e as in home oa as in boat ow as in bow
- Watch these videos and make a table like the one below
o_e sound
ow sound
oa sound
Maths – Time and fractions
- Half it! Ask children to find as many examples as they can of halves being mentioned in newspapers or magazines. These examples might come from sports reports (half-time, first half), times (half an hour), adverts (half-price), measurements (half full, half a cup), etc. Children draw, stick or write about them for their homework jotter.
- Half a shape Ask children to draw shapes and find different ways of finding half.
- Time for cooking – let your child look at some cooking times on food items, or to think about how long it takes to make a sandwich or boil a kettle. They should plan a snack or meal that involves preparing three items of food or drink so they are ready at the same time.
Primary 3
- Read your book every night and remember to bring your book into school every day.
- Talk about and explore using the contents and index page.
- Phonics sound y as in gym
- Word List – have a go at writing some of these words in sentences.
Maths – Mental maths and fractions
- Half full Ask children to find containers at home, such as measuring jugs, plastic bottles and cartons, and to half-fill them with water. Then try to find how much each full container holds and work out approximately how much water they have put into each. They record their findings in pictures and words.
- Half and quarter of a shape Ask children to draw shapes and find different ways of finding halves and quarters.
- Mental maths – Play Topmarks Daily 10
Today we had lots of fun gardening with Mr McMullan. We planted a strawberry plant and some pretty flowers. Now all we have to do is keep them alive!
Primary 2/3 and Mrs Lennon's class blog