This week marks the start of Fairtrade Fortnight and this Thursday is also World Book Day. All our homework activities for the next fortnight will be linked to these events.
Pick some of these activities to complete;
World Book Day
- Explore the website – Take a look at the World book Day website. Look out for ideas and activities you can complete with someone at home.
- Costumes – Design a costume for you or a friend to wear on World Book Day. Draw and label your ideas in your homework jotter. ( this does not have to be the costume you wear)
- Reading Challenge – Pupils chose a book for enjoyment from the class library. Read some of your book each night at home. Think about the characters, setting and plot. House points will be given to encourage reading.
- Junk Model – Using junk materials from around the house, make a character from a story of your choice.
- Visit to the library/ book shop – At some point over the next fortnight visit your local library/ book shop to choose books that interest you. Remember you can redeem your £1 voucher for a free book.
- Create a Quiz – Make up your own questions about a book of your choice.
- Explore the website – Take a look at the Fairtrade Schools Website. Look out for ideas and activities you can complete with someone at home.
- Fairtrade Hunt – When shopping keep an eye out for Fairtrade products. Draw or write what you spot in your homework jotter.
- Fairtrade recipe – Research and make a Fairtrade recipe. Here are some examples; Chocolate brownies Banana Bread
- Re-design Fairtrade Logo – Design a new fairtrade logo think about the colours, symbols and words you put on it.
- Acrostic Poem – Write an acrostic poem using FAIRTRADE letters at the start of each line.
- Fairtrade Video – Watch this video about Fairtrade and take notes on what Fairtrade means to share with the class.
*********School Fairtrade Mascot Competition ***********
Design a Fairtrade Mascot on the sheet sent home.
Winner – 5,000 house points
Runners up 3,000, 2,000 or 1,000
Design a Fairtrade mascot with;
- A catchy name
- Bright Colours
- Tagline or Hashtag
- Super Power