Homework 31/10-6.11

Sorry we were having so much fun this afternoon that we forgot to give out the homework jotters.  Just have some Halloween fun tonight ๐Ÿ™‚

Primary 2

Literacy โ€“ Reading and story openers


  • Read your book every night
  • Go on a letter hunt โ€“  Draw a table like the one below.  How many 2, 3 and 4 letter words can you find?


               2 Letter Words              3 Letter Words              4 Letter Words


During story writing we have been learning about using a variety of sentence openers.

Write some sentences choosing different openers at the beginning of each sentence.

Maths โ€“ using a number square


Explore number pattern using this number square 


  •   numbers that contain a 3
  • tens digit that is a five
  • units digit that is a 7
  • what happens every time you add on 10

Continue to explore the games on active learn.


This week we will be looking at ways to stay safe on Bonfire night.

  • Look at the Firework code using this website  and take the firework safety quiz.
  • Write down 2 or 3 safety instructions people should follow on Bonfire night.

Primary 3


  • Read your book every night
  • Create a table as shown below.  Write & draw what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story.


   Beginning            Middle             End



During story writing we have been learning about using a variety of sentence openers.

Write some sentences choosing different openers at the beginning of each sentence.

Maths โ€“ number order and numbers between

Put the following in number order from smallest to largest;

  1.  123        96          51         12        120
  2.   157       25        130        77        160
  3.    258        259      27       9          126
  4.    3         82       75       77       98      15

Write a number between;

  1.  40 โ€“ 60
  2.  57 โ€“ 87
  3.   46 -40
  4. 307 โ€“ 330
  5. 201-256
  6. 100 โ€“ 110IDL

    This week we will be looking at ways to stay safe on Bonfire night.

    • Look at the Firework code using this website  and take the firework safety quiz.
    • Write down 2 or 3 safety instructions people should follow on Bonfire night.

Homework 24.10 โ€“ 30.10

Primary 2


Spelling words  โ€“  this     that   them  then

 Write each word 3 times- fancy writing/bubble writing



  • Read book every night
  • Are there any words you find really tricky?  Write them down in your jotter.
  • Write 3 sentences in your jotter telling me  what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story.


Our sound this week is ay 

  • Watch this ay video
  • Can you find any ay words in newspapers, magazines?  Cut them out and stick them in your jotter.


  • Adding โ€“  Revise the story of 10 โ€“ write down all adding sums that make 10.
  • Active Learn โ€“ www.activelearnprimary.co.uk- Every child has been given their login details for Active Learn.  Explore this site and have a go at some of the maths games on your account.


Design an energy mascot  competition โ€“ to be completed by the 26.10.17

Primary 3


Spelling words  โ€“  went         from      just      help

  • Write each word 3 times โ€“ fancy writing/bubble writing(LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK).


  • Read book every night
  • Are there any words you find really tricky?  Write them down in your jotter.
  • Write a few sentences summarising  the story.


Our revision sound this week is oy

  • Watch this oy video
  • Can you find any oy words in newspapers, magazines, books?  Write down any oy words that you have found.


  • Adding โ€“  Revise the story of 20 โ€“ write down all adding sums that make 20.
  • Active Learn โ€“ www.activelearnprimary.co.uk- Every child has been given their login details for Active Learn.  Explore this site and have a go at some of the maths games on your account.


Design an energy mascot  competition โ€“ to be completed by the 26.10.17


No homework jotters are required for the following homework tasks and you can choose which tasks to complete.

  • Road Safety competition โ€“ due in Monday 23rd October.  Design a leaflet with information to keep us safe.

Try to  link it  to :

โ€“ speeding, driver slowing down

-crossing roads safely

โ€“ walking to and from school safely

โ€“ adults using the car park and roads safely


  • Active maths โ€“ Have a go at some of the following maths games

Game 1              Game 2                   Game 3               Game 4           Game 5

  • Reading for Enjoyment

โ€“ Continue to choose books and read for enjoyment.  Talk about the following questions with someone at home

  1. Who are the main characters in the book?
  2. Where does the story take place?
  3. What parts of the book do you like/dislike? Why?
  • Outdoors โ€“ Get outside and take part in some active fun โ€“ go for a walk/bike ride, play a game with your friends, go on a scavenger hunt.


  • Halloween โ€“ Design your own Halloween costume, what will you dress up as this year?  With an adult at home, get cooking some tasty Halloween treats .

Most importantly have some fun over the holidays!!!!


Homework 03.10

Primary 2

Literacy Focus โ€“ reading and nouns

  • Watch video on nouns
  • Noun hunt โ€“ Use your reading book, books at home or magazines to find as many nouns as you can. Write some of the nouns you found in your jotter.
  • Reading โ€“ reading books are to be read each night and brought to school each day. With an adult at home, talk about some of the following questions;
  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. Where is the story set?
  3. Which character did you like most? Why?
  4. Did you like the ending? Why/why not?
  • Continue to choose books at home to read for pleasure.

Maths Focus โ€“ odd and even numbers & place value

  • Go on a number hunt around your house. Draw a table like this
Odd Even







Record all the numbers you have found, identifying whether they are odd or even.

IDL  โ€“ road safety & space week

  • Go on a walk around the local area with an adult. Draw/write about all of the different things you see that are there to keep us safe i.e. road signs, traffic lights, zebra crossings.
  • Research a planet of the solar system โ€“ make a fact book about that planet ( not to be handed in until the 10th of Oct)

Primary 3

Literacy Focus โ€“ reading and nouns

  • Watch video on nouns
  • Write 3 sentences in your jotter โ€“ write the noun in a different colour.
  • Reading โ€“ reading books are to be read each night and brought to school each day. With an adult at home, talk about some of the following questions;
  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. Where is the story set?
  3. Which character did you like most? Why?
  4. Did you like the ending? Why/why not?
  • Choose one of the questions above and write the answer in a sentence in your jotter.
  • Continue to choose books at home to read for pleasure.

Maths focus โ€“ odd and even numbers & place value

  • Go on a number hunt around your house. Draw a table like this
Odd Even







Record all the numbers you have found, identifying whether they are odd or even.

  • Place value โ€“ explore this  place value game.    Focus on tens and units and hundreds, tens and units.

IDL  โ€“ Road Safety & Space Week (4th -10th)

  • Go on a walk around the local area with an adult. Draw/write about all of the different things you see that are there to keep us safe i.e. road signs, traffic lights, zebra crossings.
  • Research a planet of the solar system โ€“ make a fact book about that planet ( not to be handed in until the 10th of Oct)