Homework 19.09 – 02.10

Homework will carry on over 2 weeks due to the holiday weekend

Primary 2

Maths Focus – Counting in tens, writing numbers to 10 in words, ordering numbers

  • Ask children to write a sequence of about 8–10 numbers on a strip of paper. These could be numbers of any size (choose numbers appropriate to their level of understanding and then try to challenge with larger numbers). Children then cut the strip into pieces and muddle them up. Children could time how long it takes them to put the numbers back in order. Numbers could be stuck or copied into homework jotter.
  • Practise counting in 10’s – chant using different voices
  • Writing numbers to 10 in words.  Use this video to help you.


  • Revise sounds ee and oo – watch phonics videos 
  • Can you spot either of the sounds hiding in words in your favourite book?
  • Can you write out words with these sounds using a different colour for the sound?

Spelling words

put     back    of    off     but     can    get    got   up    to  

Revise the words

  • Rainbow write the words using as many different colours as you can.
  • Choose two of the words to write in sentences.


  • Continue to choose books at home and read for enjoyment.


Autumn – Have an Autumn nature hunt.

Can you find these Autumn treasures?

  1. A fallen twig with moss/ lichen on it
  2. A prickly sweet chestnut shell
  3. Hazlenuts
  4. Star shaped leaves
  5. Cones
  6. Acorns
  7. Conkers
  8. Evergreen leaves
  9. Winged Seeds
  10. Different coloured Autumn leaves

Record in your homework jotter what you found by writing or drawing.

Primary 3

Maths –  ordering numbers, tens and units and writing numbers to 20 in words.

  • Ask children to write a sequence of about 8–10 numbers on a strip of paper. These could be numbers of any size (choose numbers appropriate to their level of understanding and then try to challenge with larger numbers). Children then cut the strip into pieces and muddle them up. Children could time how long it takes them to put the numbers back in order. Numbers could be stuck or copied into homework jotter.
  • Draw a tens and units table in your jotter and choose 8 two digit numbers to partition into tens and units
Tens Units


  • Write numbers to 20 in words in your jotter.  Use this video to help you.


Literacy – Phonics , Spelling revision & reading for enjoyment

Sounds revision  – Sounds y (as in cry)  igh (as in sigh)

  • Watch the sounds video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BCyvxdzWxE
  • Can you spot each sound hiding in words in your favourite book?
  • Can you write out words with these sounds using a different colour for the sound?

Spelling words

too     they    there    look    her   all   down   you    my    are   was

Revise the words

  • Rainbow write the words using as many different colours as you can.
  • Write a silly story, how many of the words can you use in your story. 


    • Continue to choose books at home and read for enjoyment.


Autumn – Have an Autumn nature hunt.

Can you find these Autumn treasures?

  1. A fallen twig with moss/ lichen on it
  2. A prickly sweet chestnut shell
  3. Hazlenuts
  4. Star shaped leaves
  5. Cones
  6. Acorns
  7. Conkers
  8. Evergreen leaves
  9. Winged Seeds
  10. Different coloured Autumn leaves

Record in your homework jotter what you found by writing or drawing.

Homework 12.09 – 18.09

This week is Scottish Maths week and on Wednesday it is Roald Dahl day so all of our homework this week is based around these topics.

Choose 2 or 3 activities from each section to complete.

Maths – Maths week

  • Go on a shape walk around your house. Talk about the shapes you can see.
  • How many 2 and 3 digit numbers can you make from 2017?
  • Count how many times you can jump/hop/skip in 1 minute.
  • Make up your own number song/rap/poem.
  • Write down all the addition and subtraction sums you can think of that equal 8 & 15.

Literacy – Roald Dahl Day Wednesday 13th September

  • Explore this website – have a go at some of the activities featured on the website.
  • Read a Roald Dahl book with someone at home.
  • Design your own chocolate bar for Mr Wonka to make at the chocolate factory.
  • Create a new front cover for the book Matilda.
  • Find out 3 facts about Roald Dahl to share with the class.

Homework 05.9.17-11.9.17

***Please note no reading books will be given home this week.  With someone at home, choose a book to read for enjoyment.***

Primary 2


Our Focus – Numbers to 50 and beyond, numbers before and after, ordering numbers

  1. Can you order numbers to 50? Write in your jotter.  With someone at home, talk about numbers before and after.  Ask an adult to challenge you to find the number before/number after.
  2. Caterpillar ordering game – 


Our Focus-  Phonics revision, punctuation

  1. Revise the sounds ch, sh, th – write 3 th words, 4 ch words and 5 sh words.
  2. Punctuation hunt – Using books/magazines/newspapers go on a punctuation hunt. How many capital letters and full stops can you find?  Can you find any other types of punctuation?


Our Focus  – The Weather

  1. Talk about different types of weather with someone at home.  Draw a picture of your favourite type of weather and write a sentence to tell me why this type of weather is your favourite.

Primary 3


Our Focus – Number order, number sequences, digits

  1. Digit shuffle –Ask children to choose three different digits or if you have a dice roll to get numbers at random. Write in your homework jotter all the different 2-digit numbers that they can make with the digits.
  2. Caterpillar Ordering


Our Focus – Sounds revision, punctuation

  1. Revise the magic e sounds – watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZhl6YcrxZQ and write some magic e words in your jotter.  Choose a few of the magic e words and create your own sentences.
  2. Punctuation Hunt – Using books/magazines/newspapers go on a punctuation hunt. What types of punctuation can you see?


Our Focus –  The weather

  1. Keep a weather diary this week.  Record using words and pictures in your homework jotter.  Let’s hope it is not all rain!!