

This year we have launched a new style of active homework. The idea of this style of homework is to encourage children to take part in more interactive and meaningful tasks at home.

Homework will be sent home in the style of a Homework Grid.

Each pupil will receive a grid that will display all of the homework tasks for a four week period. If the grid is lost during the four weeks then a replacement can be given. Homework jotters/folders should be handed in each Friday and will be looked at by class teachers. Not all tasks will require written work and many of the tasks will be active in nature.

Some activities on the grid will have a star in the box. This star means that this activity is a “must do” task and should be completed that week. This allows homework to reflect learning from the classroom for that week.

We would love to see photos of you taking part in any of your interactive activities! You can Tweet us your photos @PetersburnPS

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