
The relationship between pupils and teachers is similar to that between a child and his/her parents, requiring mutual consideration on both sides.

 It is the aim of this school, with regard to discipline, to encourage in our children self-discipline, a consideration for others and a responsible attitude towards the person and property of others, therefore leading to the creation of a pleasant and effective environment, in which learning can best take place.  School rules, which are kept to a minimum, are formulated for the safety and well-being of the pupils, and parental co-operation is appreciated in this area.

There is a policy within the school for dealing with any incidences of bullying should they occur.  The recording of bullying or alleged bullying incidents are recorded electronically as part of the schools monitoring system.  The positive ethos of our school is of paramount importance to us.  We have introduced Circle Time in each of our classes.  This gives pupils an opportunity to discuss matters of importance to them.

The recording of bullying or alleged bullying incidents are recorded electronically as part of the schools monitoring system.

An adult presence is provided in the playground at break times in terms of the schools (Safety and Supervision of Pupils) (Scotland) Regulations 1990.

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