Category Archives: bootcamp

Easter Egg Hunt!

The boys and girls in Primary 6 had lots of fun hiding and searching for eggs on Thursday and Friday. Some were hidden in the most obscure places!

Last Week’s Eclipse

Last week, the children in P6 made solar eclipse viewers so we could watch the eclipse safely. Unfortunately, it was too cloudy for us to see any of the eclipse, but we had fun going outside to experience the sky darkening and see the street lights coming on!

Combatting Litter

The children in Dunrobin Primary were visited by our local community police officer, Mary and Environmental Health officer, Andy yesterday. They were telling us about the litter problem in North Lanarkshire and what we can do to help solve it.


Our authority spends £6 million every year cleaning up the litter that has been dropped. By putting our litter in a bin we can help save this money, which can be used on more worthwhile things, such as providing new community centres and play parks.