100 Word Challenge

On Friday the 21st of April it was my birthday. I was going to the circus. it was an very existing day for me. when my mum was pouring my cereal she dropped a cornflake.At 3 :00pm I was going to the circus. The first act I seen was a lion tamer. The lion was giving the tamer a cuddle. The next act was acrobats they danced around the stage. The main dancer had a drum. I got to go on stage and danced too. It was such a great day and we had so much fun at the circus.

100 Word Challenge

Long ago I remember it like was yesterday it was a very exciting day for me. It was my 11th birthday and I was having cornflakes for my breakfast. I got a lion from my sister and a drum from my brother. I went to the park and played on the swings and danced about. I loved to dance. When I went home I played with my toy lion and I was dreaming about having a real lion, then my mum came and said  “I have another surprise for you I have tickets to the zoo.”           

Eilidh`s 100 word challenge

I was going to get my new dress but then I was frightened by my brother’s drum app and I fell into a magic portal . When I fell a lion danced to Lady Gaga`s new song and then I dropped onto a cornflake floor and some animals helped me to Jerry and Jerry’s wife also know as pencils. It was exciting because they were friendly. One of them was a chicken and another was a half chicken half turtle . I thought it was dreaming but I was not . so I ran into the candy floss trees to see Jerry.

100 word challenge

I woke up at seven am sharp and got changed as fast as I could. I had a feeling today was going to  be a good day because it was my birth day  it was an exciting day, I was so excited I danced on the new drum. After a few minutes I walked to the kitchen. As I did I heard weird noises coming from the back it sounded  like… a lion I frowned but continued walking to the kitchen and found my favourite  cornflake biscuits I ate them then looked out of the window and found a lion!


LAST weekend I set my alarm to 5 o’clock in the morning , as me and my mum were going to the zoo to see the lion. It was my dream to see the lion as it had a green Mohawk. Before we went we had coco pops which I ate out of my cornflake bowl. When it was time to go mum asked if me what I wanted for my birthday I said I wanted a big drum the biggest drum in the universe . When we reached the zoo I danced around mad the lion danced to. Today has been really exciting.

Catgirl’s 100 word challenge

Once upon a time a girl called Amelia  got a pet lion
for her birthday.The pet lion knew lots of tricks,
he even knew hot to play a drum.One day Amelia                                         was thinking of things to teach her pet lion  then
she knew she would teach him how to dance.After                                       she did that she  had  a cornflake cake.Then somebody                                asked if the lion  could dance at the circus.It was so                                        exciting  for the lion and Amelia .So the lion the lion                                       danced the night away at the circus.After the circus                                   they all went home and played dolls.

100 Word Challenge

Yesterday I went to the zoo in Edinburgh and it was a 30 minute drive. When I got there I heard a huge DRUM and I ran in and saw a LION standing and i wondered what he was going to do. Then he started dancing. I watched him as he DANCED  and everytime he did a good trick someone ran on and feed him a CORNFLAKE. It was very EXCITING going through the rest of the zoo but then my big brother felt sick so we had to go home. I got home and went straight to my bed.

100 Word Challenge

Once there was a drummer who had a magical drum. The drum could grant you any wishes. He came into town going around houses to give people what they wanted. It was very exciting. One person wished to have a house the size of a hotel. Another person wished to have a farm as a garden. The thing that I wished for was a cornflake house. My mum wished for a running track right outside the house. Then somebody danced all day long and that must have been there wish. Then the man came around and gave me a lion!
