Primary 6/7 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

May 11, 2020
by User deactivated

Week beginning Tuesday 12th May 2020

Week of 11/14-11/20/2016 – TVShoppingQueens


Good morning P6/7!


How are you all?  I hope that you enjoyed your long weekend.


This week’s home learning will be in the same format as previous weeks, but of course with different learning.  Remember to join us on Teams to stay in touch and say hello.


BBC Bitesize Daily Videos

We will continue to follow the Bitesize schedule and if I think there is a task that will help you linked to the lessons, I will post it that day on Teams.

Remember to select ages 9-11.


Additional BBC Bitesize daily lessons:

If you use these lessons either click on P6 or P7.



New spelling words for both groups are below.

By the end of the week you should be able to:

  • Say the words
  • Write the words correctly
  • Define the words (what do they mean?)
  • Use the words in a context (paragraph or sentence).


Sumdog Spelling Challenge will go LIVE at 9am on TUESDAY.

This week is a general spelling challenge and will not relate to the word lists below.




This week you are learning to spell homophones.

Remember that homophones are words which SOUND the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings.

You could try creating a homophone picture dictionary and posting it on Teams.


Key words – 













This week you will be learning to spell words which end in en and on.

Key words 



















The new Maths competition will go live on TUESDAY.

Can anyone defeat our unbeaten champion, KL?

Good luck!


Remember to stay active, take time to relax, do things you enjoy.  Something you have always wanted to learn about or research?  A topic you always wished your class had the chance to do?  Now is the time and I will help you in any way that I can!  Just let me know.


Have a great week everyone and remember to join us on Teams for daily suggested learning activities.


Miss Conway

Bitmoji Image




May 7, 2020
by User deactivated

Wall of Fame 7.5.20

Welcome to the P6/7 Wall of Fame!



The winner of this week’s Sumdog competition is…




A big well do to LMc and A An for participating!


Well done to LMc, CC, and KL for completing the Sumdog Spelling Challenge!


Time to have a look at the photos of fantastic learning that have been submitted this week.


KR has been participating in P.E. challenges and writing about them too. Well done! 👏

Well done to HC who conducted a hand washing experiment with her little and sister and wrote this super narrative story. 👏

Well done to A An who has been helping her little sister to read and created this super Vikings menu. 👏

Well done to LMc who creatively demonstrated her understanding of biomes by making an online comic. She has been practising her synonyms too. 👏

Well done to the children who completed today’s Squared and Cubed numbers assignment on Teams. You are superstars! You know who you are! 🤩


A huge well done for another successful week of home learning.  I hope that you all enjoy your weekend and I will see (?) you all again on Tuesday!  (Friday – Bank Holiday, Monday – INSET Day).


Miss Conway 🙂



May 5, 2020
by User deactivated

Reading at home


Hello everyone!


As you all know, it is very important to continue reading at home.  I am going to list two resources below which will give you access to FREE ebooks.  Please join the class Team so that I can give you login details.


Oxford Owl

Click on the link above to access the website.

Click ‘My Class Login’ – the pinky/purple button at the top right hand side of the page.

Enter your login details (please check Teams for your login or email me if you are having issues).



Click on the link above to access the Epic! website.  (This can also be downloaded as an app).

Click ‘Students and Educators’.

Enter the ‘Class Code’ under ‘Student Login’.  (You will find this on Teams).


Enjoy reading and remember to share recommendations with your classmates over on Teams.


Miss Conway

May 3, 2020
by User deactivated

Week beginning 4.5.20

Good morning everyone and welcome to a new week of home learning.

I hope that you have all had a good weekend.


This week we will continue to use the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons to form our week. You seem to be enjoying these.


There are 2 sections to Bitesize.


Section 1:

Daily video lessons on BBC iplayer.
Click on this link each day after 9am and select age 9-11 to access a new learning video with suggested activities.

I will continue to post the link to the new video every day on Teams. I will post any linked assignments that I feel you would benefit from too.

Sorry children but a timetable has not yet been posted for this week. I will keep my eyes peeled and add one if and when it becomes available.


Section 2:

Here are additional lessons if you have worked through the daily video lesson and activities and are looking for something extra to do.

The timetables for the extra lessons for P6s and P7s are below.


New spelling words for both groups are below.

By the end of the week you should be able to:

  • Say the words
  • Write the words correctly
  • Define the words (what do they mean?)
  • Use the words in a context (paragraph or sentence).


This week you are learning to spell commonly misspelled words.  The document below has many activities for practising your spelling words.




Sumdog spelling challenge – LIVE.


Commonly misspelled words




























Sumdog spelling challenge – LIVE





Remember to continue to read texts of your choice for enjoyment. Reading is very important!


Click on the link below for some activities you could complete for the text you are currently reading.



I am going to write a separate post about reading this week with some useful information.




A new Sumdog Maths competition is LIVE.

The winner will be announced on the Wall of Fame on Thursday.



Health and Wellbeing

Remember it is important for a healthy mind and body to keep active.

Joe Wicks posts a new workout video every day at 9am on YouTube. I have posted some fitness resources that you mind find useful on Teams.

PowerPoint – Why exercise is important

Fitness log – A place where you could log your daily exercise. You might even want to make your own log.

Exercise cards – some exercise ideas to keep you active. You could make some of your own.



Below I have linked a suggested mini topic in the Vikings which you could explore. You may do some of these activities, all of these activities, or even complete ideas of your own.


P6 –



P7 –



P6/7, I do not want to overload you with information but remember that our class blog is jam packed with activities and websites that will help you. If you are looking for acitivites for a particular subject and cannot find any, please let me know and I will direct you. You are not expected to complete all of the activities I post, but choose what is right for you.


Not all learning happens through ‘school work.’ Help around the house, cook or bake, explore outdoors, play a board game. The list is endless! There is a separate post on our blog with hundreds of activities like this.


Remember to share your home learning photos with the class on Teams. I can’t wait to hear how you are getting on. Have a great week.


Miss Conway


May 1, 2020
by User deactivated

Healthy and Happy

Hello everyone!

As you will know from today’s Bitesize lesson, it is very important to do things to keep us healthy and happy.


I have created a new folder on the ‘Files’ section of Teams with some Joe Wicks exercise resources. This includes an exercise log, information on why exercise is important for the body and some activity cards.


I will continue to add to this over the coming weeks, as well as adding in mental health resources.


Check in regularly for healthy tips! 😊


Miss Conway


May 1, 2020
by User deactivated

Maths Challenge

Today’s Maths Challenge is SNAP!


Make your own snap cards. Choose from numbers or ➕➖➗✖ calculations.


Take turns each at turning over a card. When the number or answer is the same….SNAP. 🌟


Try to create questions with numbers with enough challenge for you! The photographs are just examples but remember in P6 and P7 you will be working with numbers with up to 6 digits.


April 30, 2020
by User deactivated

Wall of Fame 1.5.20

Good morning and welcome to the Friday Wall of Fame!

First of all an announcement of this week’s Sumdog Maths competition winner.

Congratulations to…


Lots of learning has been happening this week and it has been great to hear from some of you.

Well done to:

Ab A, Ai A, HC, KL and KR for participation in the Sumdog Spelling challenge.


Well done to KR, LZ, KL and LMc for working hard on the Teams Literacy and Numeracy assignments this week. 👏👏👏


Look at this super symmetry challenge KR  completed! 👏👏👏


Well done to HC who has been working away at some Literacy challenges this week.


Thank you to LMc for sharing this wonderful drawing of Captain Tom Moore for his 100th birthday.

Thank you LZ for sharing your photo of the fruit cake you made with your Mum. Delicious!

Well done P6/7. Another great week of home learning – you are doing so well!

Remember to send in any photos next week to be added to the wall of fame. This could be a photo of written work, artwork, something you have made, exercise, an outdoor activity or game, cooking or baking. It is great to see and hear what you are getting up to during this lockdown.

If you have not yet managed to login to Teams, please come and say hello. It is nice for our class to be able to keep in touch with each other. Check back to Monday’s blog post for instructions on how to do this.

Don’t forget to click on to today’s Bitesize lessons!

Have a nice weekend!

Miss Conway

Happy 100th Birthday Captain Tom Moore

April 30, 2020 by User deactivated | 0 comments

Captain Tom Moore completed 100 laps of his garden to raise Money for the National Health Service Charities. Captain Moore, a soldier during World War II, wanted to raise £1000 for the charities however he has currently raised £30 million! What a tremendous effort! Well done and thank you Captain Tom.

Create a portrait of Captain Tom. You could make this in the style of an artist of your choice or google ‘Captain Tom Moore art’ for inspiration.

With an adults permission you could post the picture on Twitter with @LadywellPrimary and @captaintommoore @nhs

You could also upload your photo to Teams or send it to me via email.


Miss Conway 😊


April 30, 2020
by User deactivated

Maths Challenge

🌟 Today’s Maths Challenge is Lego Symmetry 🌟

Use Lego to make a design that is symmetrical. You can also make a random design on one side and try to copy it on the other. For extra challenge try 2 lines of symmetry.

If you do not have Lego at home you could try drawing and colouring a symmetrical pattern.

🌟 Send in photos of your designs.


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