Primary 6/7 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

May 29, 2020
by User deactivated

Wall of Fame 29.05.20

Welcome to the Wall of Fame.



The winner of the Sumdog Maths competition is…


KL, our FIVE weeks reigning champion!  Well done!


A big well done to LZ who came a very close 2nd this week!  And AAn, who at one point this week, was in the lead.


Thank you again for sending in photos of your super learning this week.  I have loved seeing what you have been up to.  I expect that lots of you will have been spending time outdoors in this lovely weather.  I hope you have had a great time and are putting on plenty of sun cream!


Below I have attached a variety of photos of fantastic work that have been sent in this week by KR, HC, LZ, LMc and AAn.  Can you spot yours?

You are all such hard workers and are becoming independent learners.  I am very proud of you!


taught writing [recount]


Have a wonderful weekend, P6/7.

Speak to you on Monday!


Miss Conway


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May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Week beginning 26.5.20

Good morning everyone!

I hope that you have enjoyed the long weekend.

good morning!



As some of you may know, and CC correctly pointed out on Teams, BBC Bitesize Daily video lessons will not be available this week.  Due to this, our home learning will take a different format this week.  As always, please select the learning activities which suit you.  You do not need to complete every task that I post.  I will be on Teams every day to help you and to hear what you have been up to.



Sapphires – Suffixes

Can you:

  • Underline the root word within each word?
  • Write the meaning of each word, using the suffix meaning?
  • Use the words in a context?



cian meaning having a certain skill or art

electrician –

physician –


tion meaning the action of/ the result of





ssion meaning the result of




sion meaning state or quality





Diamonds – Homophones


























Can you create a homophone picture dictionary, using your spelling words?



Please login to Oxford Owl via to access the correct book for your reading group this week.


Click on ‘My Class Login’ and enter the details below.

username: ladywellp67

password: butterfly1


I have uploaded tasks for each group below.  These are the same reading groups that you have worked in in class this year.  If you can’t remember which group you are in, please get in touch.


You will need to search for the title of your eBook in the search bar.


Red Group

Mythical Beasts and Fabulous Monsters

Factfile vikings


Myths comprehension


Green Group

Dragon Tales

Dragon Tales Inference

Dragon Tales Metalinguistics

Dragon Tales Summary


Blue Group

Dinosaur Safari

Design a dinosaur

Dinosaur safari comprehension

Factfile dinosaurs



Recount Writing (Second Level)



Sumdog competition will go live on Monday at 9am.

I have also set a Sumdog Multiplication check so that you can test yourself on your times tables.


Remember Topmarks Maths is a super website to play Maths games.


Place Value Partitioning Task – 

Second Level Number and Number Processes Numbers and Numerals Place Value


Health and Wellbeing – First Aid

British Red Cross

Normally in school, we would be learning about Heartstart.


P6 – 

Please take a look at the website below to learn how help someone who is unresponsive and breathing.


P7 – 

Please take a look at the website below to learn how to help someone who is unresponsive and not breathing.



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Use the link to search for the Scottish artist Steven Brown:


Write down some interesting facts about him. Explore his online gallery, or Google Images, and choose your favourite piece. Use pencils, pens, crayons or paints to make your own version!


IDL – NHS Mini Topic

NHS Rainbow flag – Red Dragon Flagmakers Ltd




Finally, please come and join us on Microsoft Teams to say hello, stay in touch with your classmates and hear about what everyone has been getting up to.


As always, if you need any help, let me know.

Have a great week!


Miss Conway

May 21, 2020
by User deactivated

Wall of Fame 21.5.20

Welcome to the Wall of Fame.



The winner of the Sumdog Maths competition is…


KL, our 4 weeks reigning champion!  Well done!



Well done KL for completing the Sumdog Spelling Challenge this week and to LMc and A An for participating.


Congratulations, as a class you have now read a combined total of 200 books on Epic!


Thank you again for sending in photos of your super learning this week.  I have loved seeing what you have been up to.


KR has shown kindness by baking scones and tablet for his family. Delicious! Developing skills in measure and food technology too! Well done!















LMc has been up to all sorts this week! Here are some photographs she has sent in showing work she has completed in relation to National Smile Month. Well done!


A An has been working hard on her spelling this week. Well done!


Well done to KL for creating this informative and interesting PowerPoint on the life cycle of red pandas.


Red Panda life cycle-1





To view what else your friends have been up to this week, come and join us on our class Team.


I hope you all have a lovely long weekend and I will meet you back on Teams on Tuesday.


Stay safe.


Miss Conway 😊


May 21, 2020
by User deactivated

Outdoor Learning Day – Thursday 21st May 2020

Get children outdoors to play and learn, on Outdoor Classroom day ...

The weather is a little dull this morning but the forecast looks like it might brighten up a bit later, and today is outdoor classroom day, so try and get out for a while if you can.  This year its all about dressing up in nature, so you could make a daisy chain necklace, or a crown out of flowers.  Alternatively use sticks, stones and other things you can find to make a picture or write a message!

If you are lucky enough to get out for a walk in nature today, see how many of these things you can tick off your list!

  1. Animal Tracks
  2. Berries on bushes or trees
  3. Fruit from trees
  4. Nuts from trees
  5. Fallen leaves to determine types of trees in the area
  6. Moss on logs, rocks and in shady areas
  7. Local common snakes (wear long pants, boots and never disturb)
  8. Insects
  9. Arachnids (spiders)
  10. Animal homes, holes in the ground or obvious dens (don’t disturb, just observe)
  11. Natural or man made caves or dwellings
  12. Creek beds and rivers
  13. Different types of rocks and minerals
  14. Rock formations
  15. Wild flower species
  16. Trails from humans or animals
  17. Carcass or remains of animals
  18. Animal droppings
  19. Antlers from deer
  20. Various types of spiderwebs
  21. Wild turkeys
  22. Wild hogs
  23. Different species of birds
  24. Lizards
  25. Markings on trees from deer or bears
  26. Evidence of fire (from wildfire or humans building camp fires)
  27. Cocoons from moths
  28. Naturally growing mushrooms
  29. Butterfly chrysalis
  30. Ant hills
  31. Fossils
  32. Natural water springs
  33. Trash or litter you can pick up and dispose of properly
  34. Geocache locations (plan your nature walk around local GPS locations of Geocaches
  35. Tadpoles in rivers, creeks or pools of water
  36. Skin that has been shed from snakes
  37. Fallen branches or limbs that could be used to build shelter
  38. Different coloured leaves
  39. Algae on water or ponds
  40. Lily pads on water or ponds
  41. Fractal items like leaves, spider webs and similar
  42. Different types of soil along the way
  43. Beehives
  44. Bird nests
  45. Mistletoe (it is parasite in many trees)
  46. Fallen logs
  47. Off road vehicle tracks (look for dirt bike, 4 wheeler or other similar off road vehicle tracks)
  48. Naturally growing herbs
  49. Different types of grass and ground covering
  50. Different smells (wood, grass, animal droppings, flowers, mould)
  51. Different types of tree bark
  52. Trees that are easy to climb
  53. A rock with multiple colours
  54. New or baby trees around older existing trees (signs of healthy soil and a tree that is dropping seeds)
  55. Different types of seeds from trees and plant life
  56. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, or Sumac (you want to avoid, but it is a great way to teach kids what they look like)
  57. Worms
  58. Animals or insects that camouflage themselves
  59. Count the different colors you see along the way
  60. Look for frogs
  61. Squirrels nests (where they hoard nuts, berries and other supplies)
  62. Natural compost (areas where leaves and such are rotting to create rich soil)
  63. Pine cones
  64. Something round
  65. Plants with thorns on them
  66. Walking sticks (the insect as well as the stick for use to steady yourself while exploring)
  67. Waterfalls
  68. Vines to pretend you are Tarzan on (only with adults permission and safety precautions)
  69. Quartz Crystals
  70. Money(people often litter or drop change that animals pick up and take back to their nests)
  71. Eggs (birds, snakes and lizards all lay eggs)
  72. Snails
  73. Red clay
  74. Feathers from birds
  75. Arrowheads or slate rocks that could be fashioned into arrowheads
  76. Arrows
  77. Ferns
  78. Remnants of shells used in hunting
  79. Blossoms or buds on a tree or bush
  80. A tree growing through something like another fallen tree, rock formation or similar
  81. Ladybugs
  82. String or twine gathered by birds or discarded by hikers
  83. Carvings on trees from other walkers or hikers
  84. Signs of infestations killing plants (dead trees, grass or areas that look like something has killed plant life
  85. Rocks that are bigger than you are
  86. Something that is soft and fuzzy
  87. Seashells (if near the ocean)
  88. Something straight and narrow
  89. Fish in ponds, rivers, creeks, lakes or tide pools
  90. Clover
  91. Mud puddles (to splash in and have fun)
  92. Grassy areas for picnics
  93. Caterpillar
  94. A leaf with holes in it from insects
  95. A super large leaf that could provide shelter
  96. Sand
  97. Broken glass (litter from other hikers)
  98. Weather balloons
  99. Wild onions
  100. Cactus

May 18, 2020
by User deactivated

Dalziel High School Transition

Hello Primary 7s!


If you are going to Dalziel High School soon then this post is for you!


Dalziel High School (@DalzielHigh) | Twitter

Normally, at this time of year you would be seeing the teachers from Dalziel regularly.  They would be visiting us at Ladywell and we would be visiting them at Dalziel.  You would also normally go on your visits to get to know the school building, meet your new classmates, new teachers and find out a bit about your new classes.  Since we cannot do that just now, Dalziel have created a virtual transition programme.


Please go to the Dalziel Twitter page to watch the videos from Mr Birch and Mrs DiMambro.  @DalzielHigh

Then go to the Dalziel Website where you can check it for regular P7 to S1 updates, on the P7 tab on the home page.


This is a very exciting time for you all.  It is also strange and I know that you will have worries.  Please make sure you talk to your other P7 friends about going to secondary school.  You will realise that they feel the same way.  I would love to help you in your transition too.  Please come and say hello on Teams.

May 18, 2020
by User deactivated

Week beginning 18.5.20

Good morning P6/7!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of home learning.


BBC Bitesize Daily

I will continue to post the link to your video lesson each day on Teams and will include linked learning activities.


Mental Health Awareness Week

Today marks the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Week 2020. I be posting a Mental Health diary on Teams for you this week as well as a range of activities that will help you to look after your mind and body.


Why not try out this kindness challenge?




New spelling words for both groups are below.

By the end of the week you should be able to:

  • Say the words
  • Write the words correctly
  • Define the words (what do they mean?)
  • Use the words in a context (paragraph or sentence).


Sumdog Spelling Challenge is LIVE.



This is a spelling consolidation week.  Practise spelling the words that you found a little tricky or would just like some more practise with, from your past 4 word lists (see below).

You could practise spelling these words by:

  • Typing them
  • Making them out of lego, playdough, sticks or any other materials around your house/ garden.
  • Create a wordsearch
  • Create your own pelmanism game (matching cards like we do in class).









































Key words –


















There is a new Spelling challenge and Maths competition for this week.  The winners will be announced on the wall of fame on THURSDAY.


Microsoft Teams

Remember to come and join us on Teams.  This could be to say hello and have a chat with your classmates, to ask or tell me something, to access daily learning activities, to share your own learning ideas, to upload photos of your work or things you have been doing during lockdown.


Stay safe P6/7.  I miss you all!


Miss Conway


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May 15, 2020
by User deactivated

Wall of Fame 15.5.20

Welcome to the Wall of Fame.



The winner of the Sumdog Maths competition is…



Wow, three weeks in a row, K! Great effort!


Well done KL for completing the Sumdog Spelling Challenge this week and to LMc for participating.


Thank you for sending in photos of your super learning this week.


Well done to A An for her wonderful drawing of Florence Nightingale, drawn especially for International Nurses Day 2020.  A has also been working hard on her spelling.


Well done to KR for fantastic spelling work! He created this super homophone picture dictionary.


Thank you to HC for adding our first post to ‘Book Club’ on Teams.  Login to teams to read H’s review of The World’s Worst Children by David Walliams.


Well done to LMc who created a rhythm and beat, using the GarageBand app and wrote the words to this fantastic rap.  L has also been working hard on her spelling this week by creating a homophone picture dictionary.


Well done to KL who engaged with our Vikings mini topic this week by creating a Viking longship.


Great week everyone!

Speak to you all on Teams on Monday.


Happy weekend.


Miss Conway

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May 13, 2020
by User deactivated


Hello P7!

I hope you are all doing well.

Please click on the link below to access a fun Science booklet which has been provided by Braidhurst High School.


Primary 7 Transition Science Activity Booklet


This booklet is for all Primary 7s, no matter what high school you are going to.

I would love to hear from you or see photos if you conduct any of the experiments.


Miss Conway



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