Primary 5 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

Term 4, Week 7


Good morning Primary 5! I hope you all had a great weekend. I can’t believe we are in June already, only 3 and a half weeks left until the summer holidays!

Your new learning activities for this week are posted below and some of them will also be available as assignments on the Primary 5 Team.

I will be available on the Primary 5 team on Glow if you have any questions about the tasks, need some help or would just like to let me know what you have all been up to recently.

Take care, Mrs Hutchison


I have posted another set of literacy activities that you can complete with your own novel. If you are looking for something new you can access some books online through the following websites using the links below. The class code for epic books can be found on the Teams page, this will allow you access to lots of different books and comics.

Novel Tasks Week 4

I have also included a comprehension activity about volcanoes if you would like to try this instead.

Enormous Eruptions Comprehension Activity


This week we are continuing to practise and consolidate familiar words by taking a look at words which contain silent letters. Below are some activities to help you.

Silent Letters Spelling grid

Silent letters Activity


This week for writing we have our last Journal assignment and a grid with ideas based on Newsround so you can all try being news journalists for a week.

Journal Week 5

Literacy Across Learning Newsround Theme

Newspaper Writing Frames


This week we are continuing to look at money, focusing on finances and budgeting. In class we practised this when you were all given a different budget to design your dream bedroom. This week I am challenging you to plan a camping trip using a budget to allow you to see the value of money and importance of not over spending. You might like to take a look at the following websites first to recap our previous learning.

Camping Budgeting Activity

Once you have tried some of the activities have a go at the games on the Top marks website to test your knowledge.



I hope you have enjoyed learning about Natural disasters so far this term. This week you are going to use what you already know and your research skills to complete a personal project. I have posted the instructions below but if you have any other questions just let me know on the Teams page.

Natural Disasters Personal Project

You could also make your own model of a Natural Disaster using any materials you think would be appropriate for example; bottles, pringles tubes, paper, card, etc. This is completely optional as I understand that you and your parents have lots of other things to do just now.

The following link will take you to a game which allows you to plan how you would prevent a natural disaster from happening.

You could also try to experience what it might be like for children who do need to leave their homes when a Natural Disaster occurs near their home.

  • Try to make a suitable shelter from found resources Shelter Instructions
  • Pack a small bag with emergency resources   My Evacuation Survival Kit Activity
  • Reflect on what it might feel like for people who are displaced by natural disasters by writing a diary entry from their point of view


Other activities

STEM at Home Challenges

Disney grid drawings

Circuit Training Activities

Feelings Chart

Feelings Cloud

BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons


I have set challenges on Sumdog for Numeracy, Spelling and Grammar. I will be giving out extra coins for those of you that try the different challenges. I will let you know the top 5 players at the end of the week, good luck!

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