Primary 4/3 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

May 12, 2020
by J Taylor

Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning all,

I hope you had a lovely long weekend with your families and enjoyed some of the great weather we had!

Onto another week please see below the tasks that I have set for both the blue and red group.

This week I hope to film some short videos over on the teams to help with home schooling activities and also because I am conscious you have probably all forgotten the sound of my voice! Keep an eye out for updates!

Thanks to everyone who has shared any piece of work on teams or through email, I look forward to hearing from you all.

Any questions, concerns or queries just let me know!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Miss Taylor 🙂

Tuesday 12th May Tasks

john logie baird – Reading topic task

May 7, 2020
by J Taylor

Fun in the Sun

Morning all, 

Since it’s supposed to be another lovely day. Why not try some of these fun activities while enjoying the sun. 

It is also the last day of the school week before the long weekend. It is a holiday on Friday and Monday is an inservice day. If you’re looking for something to do over the long weekend give some of the activities a go. 

Let me know if you tried any! Enjoy ☀️ 

1. Rainbow bubble snakes

Rainbow Bubble Snakes

2. Painting pebbles 

3. Create nature inspired artwork using materials in your garden such as leaves, twigs and flower petals. Why not try to create a rainbow or a message to your classmates.


4. Fizzy rainbow experiment (This is a messy one. Sorry in advance!)


5. Build a den 

Use an old bedding sheet and some chairs to make your own den (remember to ask a grown up first). Draw different shapes on paper, colour them in and cut them out to decorate your den.

6. Homemade musical instruments 

If you’re missing music lessons why not try making your very own musical instrument to play out in the sun. This website gives you lots of ideas for lots of instruments. 

22 Homemade Instruments to Make Music With

May 4, 2020
by J Taylor

Oxford Owl

Hi there,

Just incase anybody is looking for books to read at home, maybe you have finished the book you were currently reading or you are struggling to pick a book  for you child’s reading ability/level.

Below is a link to a website called Oxford owl on this website you can access lots of Oxford Reading Tree books.

Once you click on the link, there is a button to register at the top of the page. Register as a parent and this will give you access to the free eBook library. You can filter the books by age and find an appropriate book for your child. Most of the books have guidance in the front cover and at the back on things you can ask your child before and after reading to develop comprehension skills.

Any questions regarding how to use the website just ask.

Miss Taylor

May 4, 2020
by J Taylor

Monday 4th May

Good Morning all,

I hope you had a lovely weekend, please see attached this weeks home learning tasks.

Please remember this week there are new phonemes and spelling words for both the red and blue group, not revision words. Please just be mindful of this when introducing it to the children.

If you would like to see more or less of anything being sent home please let me know, the learning should fit around your family and routine, any feedback is greatly appreciated.

As always please share the work you complete on the 3/4 team or glow.

There will be details of sumdog challenges and more posted on the teams so don’t miss out make sure you’re part of it! Details on how to join are on previous blog posts.

Thanks for your continued hard work,

Miss Taylor

Home learning tasks Monday 4th

Reading Challenge Cards reading task

Red group ut sound sheet ut sound

Measure Maths task measure

Happy Jar Jar

April 30, 2020
by J Taylor

100th Birthday Celebration

It’s Captain Moore’s 100th birthday today!🎁

Captain Moore was a solider during World War 2 and wanted to raise money for the NHS.

He raised a fantastic total of £30 million by completing 100 laps of his garden.

Why not celebrate him today by making him a birthday card, doing laps in your own garden or even creating a portrait of him.

Post any pictures on Twitter, glow or the P3/4 blog. We love to hear from you 😁

Miss Taylor

April 30, 2020
by J Taylor

Rainbow science

Morning everyone, hope your week is going well so far!

A little science challenge for you to try today. As rainbows are seen as a symbol of hope during this difficult time I thought it was quite fitting. The experiment is to try to ‘grow your own rainbow’.

I have attached a link to the website to show you what you need and step by step instructions.

Have fun and good luck!

As an extra challenge as it is usually our taught writing day. Once you have completed the experiment write your own set of instructions for the experiment.

If you don’t fancy doing the experiment but still want to take part in the taught writing activity why not write a set of instructions for something you’ve made in the last few weeks such as baking goods.

Remember to use instructional verbs throughout your writing e.g Put, cut, place etc and good openers to each numbered step e.g firstly, then and next.

Writing instructions

writng checklist

Please post your work onto the P3/4 team or email it to me through glow, I really love to see what you’ve been getting up to.


Miss Taylor

April 28, 2020
by J Taylor

Sumdog Challenges

Morning all,

I have set up a few Sumdog challenges for this week. A few in maths and grammar. They end this Friday (1st May) so you don’t have long to complete them. Good luck!!

Miss Taylor


April 27, 2020
by J Taylor

Monday 27th April

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for another week of home schooling.

Below is the tasks set for this week. I have included your new topic this week so make sure you check it out! I have also set new phoneme and spelling words, it is no longer revision. Please be aware of this when introducing the sounds. Any problems, let me know.

Have fun and remember fit the tasks around your routine, any questions pop me an email or ask me on Microsoft teams.

Thanks for all your hard work,

Miss Taylor 🙂


Weekly Tasks Monday-27th-April

Maths tasks FractionName (1)

Red groups literacy phoneme tasks ot sound


April 22, 2020
by J Taylor

Microsoft teams

Morning all,

It has been great to hear from some of you on Microsoft teams.

From hearing feedback you are enjoying using it too to stay in touch with class members and share work. Although I am aware some of you are still struggling to access the team.

I know it can be difficult to work with technology we are not used to – believe me!

If you cannot access through the previous link I have sent there is a code you can use. If you go onto the glow dashboard, click on the Microsoft teams app (it was near the bottom for me), click on the join or create tap and then you will see a grey box where you can enter the code provided below.

Code: jgnr3ew

It is important to mention you must use your child’s glow account as the code will not work for guest accounts.

Hope this helps anyone still struggling!

I will still be updating the blog with work regularly.

As always any questions send them my way!


Miss Taylor

April 21, 2020
by J Taylor

Blue Group Spelling Words *updated*

Hi all,

I have had a few requests for the common words that would have been covered in p3/4 for the blue group.

Below are screenshots of the stage 3 spelling programme. Within the screenshot each row shows; on the left hand side the date (that we would have covered the phoneme and common words), in the middle there is the phoneme of the week and on the right hand side is the list of common words.

We got up to week 25 before school closures (ie field).

So far I have been setting revision phoneme words and spelling words to allow your child to access the learning tasks independently.

There is no harm providing you with the spelling words/phonemes that we have yet to cover for you to look at in advance – although please let me assure you there is no expectation for you to complete activities on these words (as of yet anyway!)


If there are anymore questions please do not hesititate to ask.

My email for glow is

Miss Taylor

*I noticed the screenshots were too small to see so I have copied the pictures onto a word document*

Spelling page 1 and 2


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