Primary 4/3 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

Creative writing


Morning everyone,

For this weeks writing activity, sticking with our topic theme of Scottish inventors, I would like you to invent a new animal and describe what it looks like, what it sounds like, where it lives, how it moves, and what it eats.

To come up with the shape of your animal you can;

  • Fold a piece of paper in half and on the fold line write your name.
  • Cut around the outside shape of your name.
  • Open your name and you will have a shape based on your letters.
  • Colour and design your shape into an animal.
  • Glue your finished animal to a piece of paper.

To begin your creative writing open with a descriptive paragraph, including lots of adjectives describing what the animal looks like. What is the size of your animal? The colour? What is the fur like? How many legs does it have? Are there any unusual features? Remember this is your invention be as creative as you like!

If you want to challenge yourself and increase your word count go on to describe an adventure that your animal has. Perhaps there is a reason why your animal has been invented – explain this in your writing. Or perhaps the invention goes wrong and your animal starts to turn on their inventor and the rest of the world!

You could use the following opening sentence or make up your own;

There once lived a very peculiar animal called a ______.

Please remember your core writing targets;

Capital letters and full stops

Finger spaces and neat handwriting

STAR WRITER – I will be awarding star writer with a certificate!

I look forward to reading all about your animal inventions!

Miss Taylor 🙂

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