Primary 4/3 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

Rainbow science


Morning everyone, hope your week is going well so far!

A little science challenge for you to try today. As rainbows are seen as a symbol of hope during this difficult time I thought it was quite fitting. The experiment is to try to ‘grow your own rainbow’.

I have attached a link to the website to show you what you need and step by step instructions.

Have fun and good luck!

As an extra challenge as it is usually our taught writing day. Once you have completed the experiment write your own set of instructions for the experiment.

If you don’t fancy doing the experiment but still want to take part in the taught writing activity why not write a set of instructions for something you’ve made in the last few weeks such as baking goods.

Remember to use instructional verbs throughout your writing e.g Put, cut, place etc and good openers to each numbered step e.g firstly, then and next.

Writing instructions

writng checklist

Please post your work onto the P3/4 team or email it to me through glow, I really love to see what you’ve been getting up to.


Miss Taylor

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