Primary 4/3 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

Blue Group Spelling Words *updated*


Hi all,

I have had a few requests for the common words that would have been covered in p3/4 for the blue group.

Below are screenshots of the stage 3 spelling programme. Within the screenshot each row shows; on the left hand side the date (that we would have covered the phoneme and common words), in the middle there is the phoneme of the week and on the right hand side is the list of common words.

We got up to week 25 before school closures (ie field).

So far I have been setting revision phoneme words and spelling words to allow your child to access the learning tasks independently.

There is no harm providing you with the spelling words/phonemes that we have yet to cover for you to look at in advance – although please let me assure you there is no expectation for you to complete activities on these words (as of yet anyway!)


If there are anymore questions please do not hesititate to ask.

My email for glow is

Miss Taylor

*I noticed the screenshots were too small to see so I have copied the pictures onto a word document*

Spelling page 1 and 2



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