
Birds – International Dawn Chorus Day Sunday 3rd May

Back in January and February we took part in the RSPB Big Birdwatch as part of a mini topic on ‘Birds’.  This Sunday is ‘International Dawn Chorus Day’ and I thought this might be a good opportunity to take some learning outside especially as the weather looks good.  Below is the link to the event on the RSPB website.

I’m not sure I’ll be up at Dawn to hear it but I think I’ll try some of these activities with my 2 children.

  1.  Take some time to relax and practise some mindfulness.  If you haven’t got a garden then you could lie on your bed and play the video on the website or simply try to listen to the sounds from outside.  If you do have a garden then find a comfy spot, sit or lie down and close your eyes.  Take some deep breaths and try not to think about anything.  Instead focus on what you can hear, can you hear any birds chattering to each other?  Try this for a minute or two or even longer if you’re enjoying it.  It’s important to take some time just to relax.
  2. Conduct a bird survey either in your garden, on your daily walk or from a window in your home.  How many different birds can you see?  Which bird is the most common (the most of)?  Which is the biggest/smallest?  Use tally marks or your own method of recording what you see then you could draw or make a graph to show your information.  Remember in class we used different objects for each part of the graph.  You could use red objects for robins and blue ones for blue tits, anything you fancy really!
  3. Choose your favourite bird from the ones you have spotted.  You could make a poster or factfile about it or draw or paint a picture.
  4. Collect some pieces of nature on your daily walk, things like small twigs, wild flowers like dandelions and leaves.  Use them to create a piece of artwork of a bird.


Or maybe you have your own ideas.  Be sure to safely share what you get up to on here,  in Microsoft Teams or on Twitter.  Although Sunday is the official day these activities could be done anytime.


Good luck.