All posts by Mrs Carton

Summer’s here!

The Summer months are upon us and the past few days have given us a good taste of it!  We hope you have managed to have some safe fun in the sun and we all remembered our suncream.

To start off this week here is a Summer themed topic.  The weather activities take us nicely away from the Extreme weather of last week’s topic.  Have a go at as little or as much as you like.  There are links to resources within the overview but I have also uploaded them separately.  Again these come from Twinkl which you can access freely at the moment.



weather clothes sorting

Sequence plant growth

summer colouring

I do Like to Be Beside the Seaside  Learn a song



If you can’t print then most of these activities can be done looking at the screen and drawing your own versions.


  1.  It’s a beautiful day so take your learning outside by using your hands and feet to measure things outside.  Try to estimate (make a good guess) first.  You will need to decide if hands or feet would be best for each thing you measure.

How long is the path?

How wide is the door?

How high is the door handle?

How high/wide is the gate?

What else could you measure?

Can you compare 2 objects and say which one is longer/shorter, taller/shorter, bigger/smaller?

Try ordering objects from smallest to biggest/biggest to smallest.


2.  Next use stones, small sticks or petals (coins, toys cars and books are some ideas for inside measuring) as your measuring units to measure smaller objects.  Remember to estimate first.





How wide is the step?  How wide is the TV?

How high is the plant?  How high is the lamp?

How long is the spade?  How long is the fork?


Below are some links to worksheets.  These can be used to help you find things to measure, understand the task or you could complete them to show your learning.  They are levelled with 1, 2, or 3 stars so pick the one you feel you can do.  There is no expectation to do a worksheet, they are there for guidance.  We would love to see what you get up to so try to post some photos in Teams or on here.

Measure scavenger hut

Take it in your stride

Length and height worksheet

Length and height




Microsoft Teams

If you haven’t had the chance to go on Microsoft Teams yet then come on over and say hello!  Everyone in P3/2 has been emailed a link to our class team.  Log into Glow and go into your emails, hopefully the link will be there.  Let us know if you have any problems.  We are all learning how to use it and have been doing some online training!  As part of my learning I have had a go at setting up a collaborative task for us and I’m hoping you can all manage to login and add to it.  It is called, ‘Things we like in P3/2’ and I have asked you to add a sentence telling me 3 things you like.  Good luck!

Extreme Earth

We hope you had a lovely holiday weekend.

To follow on from our previous learning about Volcanoes in Term 1  (our Edinburgh topic) this week’s learning in based on ‘Extreme Earth’.  Pick any of the activities you like, there are some drawing and writing tasks, a science experiment to make a tornado in a bottle, label a volcano, and lots more on the Topic sheet (from Twinkl).  The labelling activity is the only one which needs to be printed (just one of the sheets, they have stars to show the variation in difficulty) but you could draw your own volcano and label it instead if you can’t print it.  All other resources can be viewed on your computer or tablet.

cfe-ss-140-extreme-earth-p2-mini-home-learning-topic_ver_3    Topic activity sheet, also contains links to the resources below.

t2-g-3769-volcanoes-differentiated-labelling-activity-sheet  Volcano labelling task, just choose one of the sheets with 1, 2 or 3 stars.  Answer sheets are included.

T2-G-381-Tornado-Craft-Instructions_ver_1  Tornado experiment instructions




As with all tasks we’d love to see what you get up to or hear how you got on.

Feelings Chart – Mental Health Check in

Here is a really simple and effective activity that you can add to whenever you feel like it.  If you can’t print it then draw your own version.  It’s ok not to be ok.


Feelings-Cloud-Mental-Health-Check-In  Link to a free ebook of Lucy’s in Lockdown by Chris Dukes.  We have read his first book, Lucy’s Blue Day, in class. CBeebies Style Storytime reading of Lucy’s in Lockdown.


Outdoor Classroom Day Thursday 21st May

Thursday is Outdoor Classroom Day.  A perfect excuse to get outside or do some nature activities inside if you can’t get out.  If the weather isn’t looking too good try these activities on another day.  This year the focus is on Playful Nature due to the current situation.  Being outdoors is great for our wellbeing which is another focus this week!  Below is the main website link to the organisation who drive the global movement.  Further down are direct links to some of their suggested activities.


Playful Nature ideas from the website.

Nature themed dress up ideas whether you can get outside or not!

Making nature faces Making-Faces

Paint a stone animal Painting-Stone-Animals

Build a den, inside or outside.






Check out the Maths@Ladywell Twitter page for more ideas.

Mental Health Awareness Week – 7 Day Kindness Challenge!

Monday 18th May marks the start of Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme this year is KINDNESS, something we have worked hard on at Ladywell Primary.  Here are some ideas for spreading some kindness this week which has the added benefit of making us feel happy by making others happy.

  1. Write a kindness challenge for each day this week.  Ideas could be, teach someone in your family a new game, send a card, letter or picture to someone you haven’t seen for a while, do some jobs around the house (dusting, tidying), video call (with permission) a friend, make a snack for someone at home.
  2. Ask everyone in your family to write down some acts of kindness and put them in a jar.  Each day choose one act of kindness and carry it out.
  3. Compliments!  A simple but really great way to be kind.  You could sit together as a family and take it in turns to give someone a compliment.  Another idea could be to make a poster or card for someone in your family and tell them all of the things that make them great to you!

Time to think about you!

It can be hard being stuck in your home without seeing your friends and other members of your family.  This week take some time to do some quick active bursts to help clear your head and get you ready for the day.  The links below take you to a short video on  Free access to all of their resources is available during Lockdown however you don’t need to sign up to use the links below. Mighty Monday – Sports Jam, imitate some sports through your movements. Challenge Tuesday – Try some Street Dance moves. Wellness Wednesday – The Power of Yet.  Just because you can’t do something YET doesn’t mean you won’t be able to soon. Thinking Thursday – Practise counting in 2, 5 and 10 and get your heart pumping at the same time. Funky Friday – Learn some moves from the Charleston dance.


Some tasks to try after.

  1. Be brave pledge Print this out or copy the writing in your own words.  Can you find 3 (or even just 1) things you think you should try.  Go on, be brave and challenge yourself to try something tricky.  Maybe you want to learn to ride a bike or roller-skate.  Perhaps you would like to sing in a choir or learn to bake a cake.  You can’t do it YET but if you practise and keep trying you’ll get there!
  2. t-l-54417-ks1-random-acts-of-kindness-story-writing-differentiated-activity-sheets-english_ver_1                   Write a story about being kind.  You could use the start on these sheets (from or use your own idea.  Remember CAPITAL LETTERS, FULL STOPS, JOINING WORDS (and, so, but, because).
  3. t2-p-445d-being-kind-to-yourself-activity-sheet-editable_ver_1 (from  Print this sheet or do your own version on plain paper.
  4. t-l-8542-kind-words-mindfulness-colouring-page-_ver_2 (from  Print this colouring sheet of kind words or make your own.


First Aid 1

Normally we would have covered Heartstart lessons (first aid) during our Health Week.  Since we’ve missed out on that this year here are some great links and activities so you can have a go at some First Aid.  In P3/2 we would have revised how to call for help if someone is hurt.  Can you remember what to do?  Can you tell an adult?

That’s right, you would call 999 (or 112) or ask an adult to.

The person on the phone would ask if you need the POLICE, FIRE BRIGADE or an AMBULANCE.

They would then ask you where you are.  If you don’t know the address try to give any information you do know like street name or landmarks, are you near the school or a shop you could name?

Then they will ask what has happened.

Can you role play phoning 999 with someone at home?  Take it in turns to be the operator and caller.  Practise giving your address or describing where you are.