Can you believe it is nearly the Summer holidays?  I now feel like the time is flying past.  This week the teachers are back in school for the first time since we closed and I’m sure it will be strange.  I’m only in one day but I’m already looking forward to a socially distanced catch up with the teachers that are in at the same time.  We’re going to start getting ready for when we can reopen, starting with clearing out a lot of our own resources and bringing them home (not sure where I’m going to find space for them!).  You’re tasks this week are a lot more interesting though.  Below is a grid of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths) activities for you to choose from.  You could try and enlist the help of someone at home or even be the teacher and teach it to a sibling.  Most of all, have fun!

11_Starters for STEM_01 Jun

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