Healthy Eating Rap/Talk

Lets put all of your knowledge about healthy eating to good use and make up a rap or talk.  First have a look at this rap on imoves.  

Scroll down this page to Healthy Eating Raps and click on the Active Blast 7-11 video.

Once you have watched it have a go at making up your own rap, song or talk.

Choose a few of your favourite fruits and vegetables.  Give them a name with the same initial sound (this is called ALLITERATION).

e.g. Percy Pear, Amy Apply, Tony Tomato

Then find out some facts about why each one is good for us, there are a few facts in the video you could use to get you started.

e.g. full of vitamin C, look after your heart and blood,

Now try to put it together in a short rap or any way you like.  You could use the backing music and beat from the video.  If you’d prefer, you could make a poster or factfile with your facts.


The imoves website has lots of resources and videos on lots of different subjects including Health and Wellbeing, Maths and Science.  You can sign up for free at this time to access more.

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