
  1.  It’s a beautiful day so take your learning outside by using your hands and feet to measure things outside.  Try to estimate (make a good guess) first.  You will need to decide if hands or feet would be best for each thing you measure.

How long is the path?

How wide is the door?

How high is the door handle?

How high/wide is the gate?

What else could you measure?

Can you compare 2 objects and say which one is longer/shorter, taller/shorter, bigger/smaller?

Try ordering objects from smallest to biggest/biggest to smallest.


2.  Next use stones, small sticks or petals (coins, toys cars and books are some ideas for inside measuring) as your measuring units to measure smaller objects.  Remember to estimate first.





How wide is the step?  How wide is the TV?

How high is the plant?  How high is the lamp?

How long is the spade?  How long is the fork?


Below are some links to worksheets.  These can be used to help you find things to measure, understand the task or you could complete them to show your learning.  They are levelled with 1, 2, or 3 stars so pick the one you feel you can do.  There is no expectation to do a worksheet, they are there for guidance.  We would love to see what you get up to so try to post some photos in Teams or on here.

Measure scavenger hut

Take it in your stride

Length and height worksheet

Length and height




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