Primary 1a 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

June 21, 2020
by Miss McGhee

Home Learning Activities Week Beginning 22.6.20

Hello P1a,


Hope you are all safe and enjoyed the Sports themed week last week!

I can’t believe there are only two and a half days left before the summer holidays!


This week we are going to have a super fun week!


Remember North Lanarkshire Council are having a Virtual Sports Day on Monday 22nd of June so have fun if you decide to take part in that.


I am so proud of you all P1 and everything you have achieved since starting Ladywell Primary. We would usually be talking about your achievements and thinking about your new teacher so for this week’s home learning activities I would like you to do this.


Please complete this activity about your P1 memories. One of my favourite memories was our Burns’ supper. You all looked fab in your tartan and we listened to bagpipes. I enjoyed watching you all perform in our Nativity at Christmas time, your singing was lovely! I remember you all having lots of fun playing and learning with your friends in class and celebrating each others achievements! I’m going to miss being your teacher very much, but remember I’ll still see you at school and I would love if you would say hello and tell me all about your new class!

Click here for ‘My P1 Memories’ worksheet

Your parents will be informed of your new teacher before you begin your summer holidays. Your new teacher will want to start to get to know you so I would like you to complete this booklet for her/him too.

Click here for your ‘All about me’ booklet

If you do not have access to a printer don’t worry! You could create a poster or your own booklet all about you. If you could share some pictures of these, I would love to pass them on to your new teacher so he/she can get to know you more. Feel free to share it on teams or email it to me at:


Have a great week P1!


Miss McGhee

June 14, 2020
by Miss McGhee

Home Learning Activities Week Beginning 15.6.20

Hello P1a,


Hope you are all safe and enjoyed the Teddy Bear Themed week last week!

I can’t believe this is our last full week of you being a P1!


This week we are going to have lots more fun as it is Ladywell Primary Sports Week as this would have been our Sports Day week.


North Lanarkshire Council are having a virtual Sports Day on 22nd of June so Ladywell Primary are going to have a week of Sports leading up to that.


Please find a grid below with the weeks schedule and information on how it is all going to work. Any questions, please just ask.

Ladywell Sports Week Timetable of Events


This will be a house competition. Each day you have to email Mrs Carton your times. Please include your name and stage in the email.


Mrs Carton will award points to the winning house each day! (announcement of this will probably run a couple of days behind to allow for all the results to be emailed in.)


Information can be found on Twitter and through our Teams page also.

Good luck and enjoy!


Along with our Sports week we have a few home learning activities. Please find ideas for these below –




  • This week activities on Studyladder are based on revising Addition and Subtraction.
  • Another Sumdog Challenge is set for you of answering 50 questions correctly (please contact me if you require your sumdog login details).


Phonics & Spelling 

  • This week I would like you to revise the chilli challenge phonemes of

sh, ch and ng – activity grid attached through our Microsoft Teams page or click below –

ch, sh, ng consolidation



  • This week I would like you to read the book ‘Tiger’s Fish’ from the Oxford Owl eBook library. There are some ch, sh and ng words in this book so look out for them. How many can you find?


  • You can complete the online activity at the end of the book by clicking the pencil icon at the bottom of the ‘Retell the story’ page. I have also included a cut and stick story sequence task as a little challenge this week which is attached below.

Tiger’s Fish Follow Up Activity


Health & Wellbeing 


  • Design a flag or banner to cheer yourself on for your virtual races!


Miss McGhee

Click here to view 15.6.20 Blog Post as a Word Document


June 7, 2020
by Miss McGhee

Home Learning Activities Week Beginning 8.6.20

Hello P1a,

Hope you are all safe and enjoyed the wear yellow and soak the teacher videos last week, if you didn’t see them have a look on Twitter or on our Teams page!! They were brilliant to watch! A huge well done to all of you who took part and big thanks for any donations.

P1 are going to have a Teddy Bear Themed week this week!

We would normally be doing our Topic Teddy Travels in link with St Andrew’s Hospice so I have planned some Teddy Bear activities for you so hope you enjoy them!

Please find ideas for home learning for this week below –



  • Teddy Bear Dot to Dot – numbers recognition to 50! (Can find on our Teams page in Files section)

Click here for Teddy Dot to Dot

  • This weeks activities on Studyladder are based on length and mass.
  • You could arrange any Teddy Bears you have in order of length, starting with the longest or the shortest – send us some pictures please of this if you can!
  • A Sumdog Challenge for you of answering 50 questions correctly (please contact me if you require your sumdog login details)


Phonics & Spelling 

  • This week I would like you to continue to work on revising the alphabet with focus on capital letters
  • You could say the alphabet and write the alphabet in capital letters, you could try to play the game from last week which involved matching the lower letters to the capital letters
  • You could write your Teddy’s name in capitals – Here is mine – SUNNY
  • There are some capital letters activities set on Studyladder also


  • Chilli challenge – This week the phoneme is: ng – we have not learned this phoneme yet but you can have a look at ng and have a go at the suggested activities
  • have a look at Geraldine giraffe to help practice ng


  • Studyladder literacy activites set – lots of activities with phoneme ng this week
  • Task 1 – read the following words and draw some pictures to match the words.


ring   sing   song   long   pong   wing

  • Task 2 – ng cut & stick sheets –you can also find this sheet saved in the files section through our Microsoft teams page

Click here for ng Cut & Stick

Kahoot Quiz – Join us for our weekly quiz on Friday morning at 11am. This week we will have a YES or NO quiz. You have to use your knowledge of your CVC words, common words and sounding out to read the question/statement and then answer.

E.g  – Can a cat sit?  The answer would be Yes!

– A man has six legs.  The answer would be No!



This week your book is ‘A Home for Ted’ which can be found in the Oxford Owl eBook library.

You can also complete some of the interactive games that go with the book on Oxford Owl. If you would like your child to complete a written task, I have attached it below.

Click here for A home of Ted follow up task


Health & Wellbeing 

  • Continue to get your daily exercise, a walk with your family is good fun or exercise classes online with Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or Jumpstart Johnny or any other good resource you have been using.
  • Teddy Bears Exercise – have a look at the video below and join in some picnic exercise songs with your Teddy!


Teddy Bear Theme Activities 


  • Create a Passport for your Teddy – Have a look at the example and create a passport all about your favourite teddy. See template below.

Teddy’s Passport

Passport Template

  • Teddy Bear Picnic Song – Listen to and learn the song to sing together at a Teddy Bear’s Picnic.



  • Healthy Lunch – help an adult plan what you will eat at your picnic. Remember to think about some healthy snacks you and your teddy might enjoy to eat. You could also make some bear themed snacks to enjoy.


  • Have your own Teddy Bear’s Picnic – Set up a pretend or real life picnic, indoors or outdoors, to enjoy with your family and teddies! Remember to send me some pictures on our Microsoft Team or on the school Twitter page.


  • Story Time – Listen to Michael Rosen’s story, We’re going on a Bear Hunt on Youtube  – You could go into the garden or on a walk and have your own pretend bear hunt. You could also create a map to recap the parts of the story and take this on your bear hunt with you.



Be Creative – Watch the performance of  ‘I want my hat back’ – Jon Klassen. You could try to recreate your favourite story about a bear by making little paper puppets like in the video.

Art and Crafts – Have a look at some of the ideas below and create a terrific teddy picture.  You could do some fork painting to create your own Teddy picture or you can create a teddy picture and have a think about some descriptive words/adjective to describe your teddy.


Remember these are just suggested activities and we do not expect the children to complete all of them. 


Stay safe and have a fun and cuddly week!


Miss McGhee









June 1, 2020
by Miss McGhee

St Andrew’s Hospice Week 1st – 7th June

This week our school is having a fundraising week for St Andrew’s Hospice.

1st – 7th June 2020

Did you know that St. Andrew’s Hospice need £88,000 per week to operate?

Ladywell Primary have taken on the challenge of supporting our local hospice by hosting a:

Wear Yellow Week


Soak the Teacher Challenge


Wear Yellow Week


Soak the Teacher


We understand that all families might not be in a position to donate during these challenging times. Please know that all contributions to our fundraising week, whether that is raising awareness by participating in a challenge or making a donation, are greatly appreciated by St. Andrew’s Hospice, the patients and their families.

We look forward to seeing your pictures and videos on Twitter or our Microsoft Team!

Miss McGhee

May 30, 2020
by Miss McGhee

Home Learning Activities Week Beginning 1.6.20

Hello P1a,


Hope you are all safe and well and enjoyed the lovely sunshine last week!

Please find ideas for home learning for this week below:


  • This week activities for Maths on Studyladder are some Data Handling activities.
  • Please find a Minibeast Themed Data Handling activity for you to complete – NEW*** you can find this sheet below and saved in the files section through our Microsoft teams page
  • New*** Sumdog Challenge 35 questions correctly (please contact me if you require your sumdog login details)

Click here for Minibeast bar graph

Phonics & Spelling 

  • This week I would like you to work on revising the whole alphabet.
  • You could try saying the alphabet and writing the alphabet both in lower case and upper case, you could try to play a game which involves matching the lower letters to the capital letters
  • You could have a go at this interactive CVC game


Chilli Challenge – ch

  • This week the phoneme is: ‘ch’ – we have not learned this phoneme yet and it will be taught when your child returns to school but you can have a look at ‘ch’ and have a go at the suggested activities if you would like.
  • Have a look at Geraldine giraffe to help practice ‘ch’.


  • Studyladder literacy activites set – lots of activities with phoneme ‘ch’ this week and some CVC activities
  • Task 1 – read the following words and draw some pictures to match the words.

chip   much   lunch   chop   chick   chin

match   chest   chill   chips

  • Task 2 – ch write words sheet – find it attached below or in the files section of Microsoft Teams.

Click here for ch activity sheet


This week your book is ‘A Dog’s Day’ which can be found in the Oxford Owl eBook library. Look out for some of your common words and some ‘sh’ words from last week.

You can also complete some of the interactive games that go with the book on Oxford Owl. If you would like your child to complete a written task, I have attached it below.

Click here for follow up task for A Dog’s Day



  • This week I would love if you could write a Story about ‘A Sunny Day’

You could include, where you are, what you did and how you felt.

For example –

It was a sunny day and I was in my garden. I was having a water balloon fight with my little brother. It was so much fun but I got very wet. I felt so happy because I was laughing so much!


Please send me a picture of your story!


Remember to include our Core Writing Targets 

Capital Letters

Finger spaces

Full stops

Common words spelled correctly

Writing letters neatly


Health & Wellbeing 

  • Continue to get daily exercise, a walk with your family is good fun or exercise classes online with Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or Jumpstart Johnny or any other good resource you have been using.
  • NEW*** Social distance children’s video – After watching the video can you think of any new games you could make up or any games you already know that you could play with your friends when you go back to school that would follow social distancing guidelines.


Minibeasts Topic

Activity 1 – This week you can learn all about food chains either using the PowerPoint attached or the following BBC Bitesize video:


Activity 2 – choose your favourite animal and then find out about what it eats. You could then draw a simple food chain that involves the animal on a strip of card. You may also use the attached worksheet to create a paper chain to mimic the food chain.

Click here for Food Chains PowerPoint

Click here for minibeast food chains activity



Try some shadow drawing outside. This looks like lots of fun! Send me some pictures of your drawings if you manage to complete this activity.


Stay safe and have a good week!

Click here to view 1.6.20 Blog Post as a Word Document

Miss McGhee








May 25, 2020
by Miss McGhee

Home Learning Ideas for Week Beginning 25.5.20

Hello P1a,


Hope you are all safe and well and enjoyed the holiday weekend! I really enjoyed getting some pictures sent to me last week. Thanks very much and would love to see some more!

Please find ideas for home learning for this week below –



Outdoor Maths – Continue to work on your Maths grid from last week. Have some more outdoor maths fun!


Studyladder – This week activities for Maths on Studyladder are continuing on Time and adding within 20! This addition within 20 is a Chilli challenge! Good luck!


Sumdog – another challenge has been set for you this week. Let’s see if you can earn 100 Sumdog coins for joining in this week! If you need you Sumdog details please contact me.



Phonics & Spelling 

This week the phoneme is: sh – just before we stopped school P1 moved onto learning phonemes which are two letters together to make a new sound.


Have a look at Geraldine giraffe to help practice ‘sh’


Studyladder Literacy Activites – lots of activities with phoneme ‘sh’ this week


This week the common words are :


she   come    from


  • Task 1 – write them a few times, write them in fancy writing, write them in chalk, write them in colours, make them out of something, be as creative as you can!


  • Task 2 – read the following words and draw some pictures to match the words.


ship   fish   wish   shed   shop   wash

mash   sheep   shark   shelf


  • Task 3 – Use some of your common words to write some sentences or tell an adult some sentences.


  • Task 4 – ‘sh’ write words sheet (varied difficulty levels provides – please choose one suited to your child)

Click here for ‘sh’ sound worksheet

  • Task 5 – Have someone give you a little test at the end the week to write some ‘sh’ words and the common words she come from


Kahoot Quiz – Join us this week on Friday at 11am for a ‘Find the Missing Sound’ quiz!



This week your book is ‘Jack’ which can be found in the Oxford Owl eBook library. Look out for the ‘sh’ sound when reading your book, How many ‘sh’ words did you see?

If you would like your child to complete a written task, I have attached it below.

Click here for follow up task for Jack


Health & Wellbeing 

Physical Education – Continue to get daily exercise, a walk with your family is good fun or exercise classes online with Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or Jumpstart Johnny or any other good resource you have been using.

Growth mindset –  It is very important to have a healthy mind also as well as healthy body. Please watch the next video below about Mojo the monster and then discuss with a parent the questions at the end.


Minibeasts Topic

Activity 1 – This week use the fact cards below to learn all about Bees.

Click here for Bee Fact Cards

Activity 2 – Bees are pollinators! Pollination is important to allow plants to make more flowers. Here is a fun experiment you can try at home to help your child understand this process. See Below for details:

Use Wotsits/Cheesy Puff crisps to help your child understand the pollination process! Have your child draw a 3-5 flowers on separate pieces of blank paper and lay them around the room (they don’t need to be big so feel free to cut one piece of paper into smaller pieces). Next, have them eat the Wotsits without licking their fingers! They want to collect as many crumbs (pretend pollen) on their fingers as possible! Tell them that this represents collecting pollen from their flowers. Next, have them “fly” to another flower in the room and rub their fingers on the flower. Do this until all the flowers have been visited. Then, have them fly back to their seats. Look at all the flowers. did all of the flowers get pollinated?



Hope you had fun practising colours in French last week! Please have a look at the following video to practice simple greetings in French. If you like you can send us a video of you having a simple conversation in French!



Using paper plates, create a minibeast of your choice. Here is are some ideas:


Stay safe and have a good week!

Click here to view 25.5.20 Blog Post as a Word Document

Miss McGhee

May 18, 2020
by Miss McGhee

Home Learning Ideas Week Beginning 18.5.20

Hello P1a


Hope you are all safe and well! I enjoyed getting some pictures sent to me last week. Thanks very much they put a huge smile on my face!

Please find ideas for home learning for this week below.


  • Continue to work on your Maths grid from last week. Have some outdoor maths fun!
  • Remember to log on to Sumdog and check out the class competition for this week!
  • This week activities for Maths on Studyladder are on Time and adding within 20! This is a Chilli challenge! Good luck!


  • Here is a fun Time video for you to watch to help revise what we have learned already –


  • There is a great video on BBC Bitesize about Clocks and Calendars also –


Phonics & Spelling 


  • Studyladder literacy activities set – lots of activities with letter q this week, enjoy!
  • This week the sound is:       q / qu

Have a look at Geraldine Giraffe to help you practice.


  • This week the common words are :       are   dad   not


  • Activity 1 – Practice writing you sounds and common words. You can do this on paper with pencil, crayons, pens etc. You can dothis outside using chalk, squirting water from a bottle, making them out of twigs and stones be as creative as you can.


  • Activity 2 –Read and write some words starting with your sounds like ant, pig, sip …. and draw some pictures to match the words.


  • Activity 3 –Use some of your common words to write some sentences or tell an adult some sentences like – I got an apple from the fruit bowl.


  • Activity 4– Make flashcards of your common words and try jumping on each one when an adult calls them out or read each one as you jump on them or even throw a ball onto each word and read them when the ball lands on a word or stick them on a wall and shoot them with something.


  • Activity 5– Have someone give you a little test at the end the week to write the sounds and spelling words you have been practising.


This week’s I am hosting another reading quiz on Kahoot. It will be on Thursday at 11am. See our class Teams chat for further details.



This week your book is ‘The Dragon Balloon’ which can be found in the Oxford Owl eBook library.

If you would like your child to complete a written task, I have attached it below.

Click here for The Dragon Balloon follow up task



Health & Wellbeing 


  • Continue to get daily exercise, perhaps a walk with your family or exercise classes online with Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or Jumpstart Johnny or any other good resource you have been using.
  • Growth mindset. It is very important to have a healthy mind also aswell as healthy body. Please watch the next video below about Mojo the monster and then discuss with a parent the questions at the end.


Minibeast Topic

Activity 1 – Last week you learned all about the life cycle if a butterfly. This week you could learn all about the life cycle of a frog. Watch the video below to learn about the stages of a frogs life. You may also want to finish the cut and stick activity attached.

Click here for Frog Life Cycle cut and stick

Activity 2 – using leaves or other outdoor materials, make an insect of your choice. See the picture below to give you some ideas!



  • Hope you had fun practising you numbers in French last week! Please have a look at the following video to practice colours in French. If you like you can send me a video of you saying the colours in French!


Stay safe and have a good week!

Click here to view 18.5.20 Blog Post as a Word Document

Miss McGhee








May 11, 2020
by Miss McGhee

Home Learning for week beginning 11.5.20

Hello P1a

I hope you have all had an enjoyable long weekend and you are all safe and well! Still missing you lots and lots! Please find ideas for home learning for this week below.



We have attached a new Maths grid that you can work on for the next few weeks! Have some outdoor maths fun!

Click here for your new maths grid


Lots of you are continuing to have a great go at the Studyladder activities. Well done!!


If you require your Studyladder login details then please email me on

See previous home learning posts further down on this blog of how to access the activities on Studyladder


This week activities for Maths on Studyladder are continuing to work on numbers to 100.

Continue to explore numbers to 100. Try to count to 100 and back, again in 2s, 5s and 10s. Have a go at writing the numbers to 100 or counting household items that have a bigger quantity than 20, perhaps clothes pegs, pasta shapes, lentils anything at all you can find!


You can watch Jack Hartman counting to 100 on you tube!

P1a love to listen to Jack Hartman Maths songs!


Phonics & Spelling 

This week the sounds are :

w   h   j   v   y   z

This week the common words are :

was   went   his   have   just   to   your   by   only


Below are some activities that you can do to practice these:

Activity 1 – Practice writing you sounds and common words. You can do this on paper with pencil, crayons, pens etc. You can do this outside using chalk, squirting water from a bottle, making them out of twigs and stones be as creative as you can.


Activity 2 – Read and write some words starting with your sounds like ant, pig, sip …. and draw some pictures to match the words.


Activity 3 – Use some of your common words to write some sentences or tell an adult some sentences like – I got an apple from the fruit bowl.


Activity 4 – Make flashcards of your common words and try jumping on each one when an adult calls them out or read each one as you jump on them or even throw a ball onto each word and read them when the ball lands on a word or stick them on a wall and shoot them with something.


Activity 5 – Have someone give you a little test at the end the week to write the sounds and spelling words you have been practising.


I would love to see any pictures of these activities or any other activities you have been doing to practice, again through our Microsoft Team page or on twitter.


Studdyladder Literacy Activities:

Login to your Studdyladder account to see what Literacy activities have been set for you this week! Have fun!



This week our book is called ‘Top Dog’

This book has some more challenging words in it so before reading, talk to your child about some of the tricky words listed below.


Write them down and talk about how to recognise them in the text. Here are some ideas on how to teach strategies for reading these words:


look:  this word has “looking eyes” two o’s make long oo sound.

this: th like the start of the word the and sound out i-s to ie. th-i-s.

like: can’t be sounded out using initial sounds as the e changes the sound of the i in the words. 


There are activities online linked to the book and a follow up activity is attached here if you would like to complete a written task.

Click here for Top Dog follow up task


Literacy Quiz!

This week we will have a Reading Quiz on Kahoot!

The quiz will go live at 11am on Friday morning and close at 3pm that day. Well done to everyone who took part last week. Lots of super spelling from everyone!


Health & Wellbeing 

Continue to get daily exercise, perhaps a walk with your family or exercise classes online with Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or Jumpstart Johnny or any other good resource you have been using.


Growth mindset. It is very important to have a healthy mind also as well as healthy body. Please watch the video below about Mojo the monster and then discuss with a parent the questions at the end.


Minibeast Topic

Activity 1 – This week, you could learn all about the life cycle of a butterfly. With an adult have a look at the PowerPoint to learn all about caterpillars and butterflies. You can draw a diagram of the stages or you may complete the cut and stick activity attached.

Click here for butterfly life cycle activity

Click here for the Butterfly Life cycle powerpoint

Activity 2 – create a caterpillar or butterfly picture using materials you may have at home, You could use collage materials, drawings, finger painting, printing by dipping a halved apple/potato in paint, paint and fold butterfly etc. See some possible ideas below.





You were getting very good at learning French. Please have a look at the following video to practice counting to 10 in French. If you like you can send us a video of you counting in French!


Stay safe and have a good week!


Miss McGhee


May 4, 2020
by Miss McGhee

Home Learning for week beginning 4/5/20

Hello P1a

Hope you are all safe and well! Missing you all lots and lots, but been so lovely to hear from some more of you through our Microsoft Teams page!

Please find ideas for home learning for this week below. (Remember that these are only ideas and you don’t need to do them all)



You can continue with the maths grid attached from a couple weeks ago (20.4.20) – continue to send any pictures of you completing any activities through our Microsoft teams page or on twitter.


Lots of you are having a great go at the Studyladder activities. Well done!! I will continue to set Maths activities for you on this and this week we are also going to try some literacy activities. We hope you enjoy them!


If you require your Studyladder login details then please email me on:

See previous home learning posts further down on this blog of how to access the activities on Studyladder.


This week activities on Studyladder for Maths are:

  • 8 activites all working on numbers to 100, enjoy!

Have a go exploring numbers to 100. Try to count to 100 and back, again in 2s, 5s and 10s. Have a go at writing the numbers to 100 or counting household items that have a bigger quantity than 20, perhaps clothes pegs, pasta shapes, lentils anything at all you can find!



Phonics & Spelling 

This week the sounds are :

g   l   f   o  b   u


This week the common words are :

go   got   get   if   for   on   be   but   you


Below are some activities that you can do to practice these:

Activity 1 – Practice writing you sounds and common words. You can do this on paper with pencil, crayons, pens etc. You can do this outside using chalk, squirting water from a bottle, making them out of twigs and stones be as creative as you can.


Activity 2 – Read and write some words starting with your sounds like ant, pig, sip …. and draw some pictures to match the words.


Activity 3 – Use some of your common words to write some sentences or tell an adult some sentences like – I got an apple from the fruit bowl.


Activity 4 – Make flashcards of your common words and try jumping on each one when an adult calls them out or read each one as you jump on them or even throw a ball onto each word and read them when the ball lands on a word or stick them on a wall and shoot them with something.


Activity 5 – Have someone give you a little test at the end the week to write the sounds and spelling words you have been practising.


***NEW **** Studdyladder Literacy Activities

Login to your Studdyladder account to see what literacy activities have been set for you this week! Have fun!

You have 7 Literacy Activities you can try –

  • letter focus activities
  • CVC word focus activities
  • ‘ut’ or ‘un’ ending activity



Well done to everyone who joined our Kahoot quiz on Friday! You all did so well! I will be hosting another spelling quiz on Thursday at 11am. Check out the Microsoft Teams chat for the ‘pin’. I look forward to seeing some of you there!

***If this is your first time joining us for the quiz please check the Phonics and Spelling section of my previous blog post for details on how to join.



Using the Oxford Owl website find the book “Big, Bad Bug”

Read the book with an adult and talk about what happened in the story. (Check the first page of the book for a parents guide).

A written ‘Reading to Write’ activity is attached if you wish to complete a follow up task using the book.

Click here for follow up task for An Odd Bug


Health & Wellbeing 

Continue to get daily exercise, perhaps a walk with your family or exercise classes online with Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or Jumpstart Johnny or any other good resource you have been using.

You could also try this 60 Second Challenge each day. How many socks can you pair up and throw into the box? Parents can join in too if they want to!


It is also important to keep your mind healthy. Here is an activity you can try.

Mental & Emotional Health – Faces & Feelings

Please watch the following clip –


Throughout this clip, read out the dialogue written on the screen during the sketch as though actually talking with Rodd. Encourage your child to participate and call out answers to Rodd where appropriate.

There is also an opportunity to pause the clip half way through for you to further discuss huffy behaviour, and what could be a better alternative.

You and your child could explore facial expressions that convey different emotions.

You could even write down lots of different emotions, and all of these could be put into a bag. Your child could then choose a feeling from the bag and, keeping it a secret, draw a face or make a face to represent this feeling.

You could try to guess what feeling they are showing. Have fun!



Minibeast Topic 

Activity 1 – Use the ‘What am I?’ cards to describe each minibeast and see if an adult or sibling can guess what you are describing. You could also play ‘Pairs’ with the cards by placing them all face down and taking turns turning the cards over and matching the description.

Click here for Minibeast Description Cards Matching Activity

Activity 2 – Take a closer look at some minibeasts and sort them according to their features. For example, legs/no legs, wings/no wings…

Click here for Minibeast Sorting activity



Collect pebbles from your garden or on a walk. Use pens or paint to make them look like different bugs!

As always, I would love to see any pictures of these activities or any other activities you have been doing, through our Microsoft Team page or on Twitter.


Miss McGhee

April 26, 2020
by Miss McGhee

Home Learning for week beginning 27/4/20

Hello P1a

Hope you are all safe and well and hope you managed to enjoy some of the lovely sunshine last week.

Did you managed to see some of the Ladywell Pets on the new glow page set up last week? Some little cuties on there, would love to see more of your pets on the page.

Below are ideas for home learning this week. (Please remember that again, these are only ideas and you don’t need to do them all)



Continue with the maths grid attached last week (20.4.20) – send any pictures of you completing any activities through our Microsoft teams page or on twitter.


Lovely to see lots of you having a go at the Studyladder activities. Well done and if you have completed the activities I have sent you a little message so login to studyladder to check your message out.

If you require your Studyladder login details then please email me on

and I can get these to you.


To access the studyladder activities set please go to –


login and click ‘my individual programme’ you have 8 new tasks set for the week and these will be updated weekly. This week activities on Studyladder are:

3 for Shape

5 for Numbers to 20


  • Also try to have a go at counting up and down in 2s, 5s and 10s
  • Chilli challenge – see if you can go all the way to 100 and even beyond!



Phonics & Spelling 

This week the sounds are :

r   m   d  e  c   k 


This week the common words are :

am   me   my   did   as   he   can   we   into


Below are some activities that you can do to practice these:

Activity 1 – Practice writing you sounds and common words. You can do this on paper with pencil, crayons, pens etc. You can do this outside using chalk, squirting water from a bottle, making them out of twigs and stones be as creative as you can.


Activity 2 – Read and write some words starting with your sounds like ant, pig, sip …. and draw some pictures to match the words.


Activity 3 – Use some of your common words to write some sentences or tell an adult some sentences like – I got an apple from the fruit bowl.


Activity 4 – Make flashcards of your common words and try jumping on each one when an adult calls them out or read each one as you jump on them or even throw a ball onto each word and read them when the ball lands on a word or stick them on a wall and shoot them with something.


Activity 5 – Have someone give you a little test at the end the week to write the sounds and spelling words you have been practising.


On Friday at 11am we will be hosting a Primary 1 CVC words quiz using the app Kahoot! To join us, download the app on a tablet or phone before Friday. On Friday we will post the ‘pin’ for the quiz in our Microsoft team so that it only includes Ladywell Primary 1 children. The ‘pin’ will be posted at 10.50am. Type the ‘pin’ in to the Kahoot! App and at 11am it will start. We look forward to seeing some of you there!


I would love to see any pictures of these activities or any other activities you have been doing to practice, again through our Microsoft Team page or on twitter.



Using the Oxford Owl website* find the book “Big, Bad Bug”

*Details on how to log in are on last week’s post.

When you access the book you can read the story and complete the online activities linked to the story.

You may also complete the written activity attached if you wish.

Click here for follow up task for Big, Bad Bug


Health & Wellbeing


Continue to get daily exercise, perhaps a walk with your family or exercise classes online with Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or Jumpstart Johnny or any other good resource you have been using.


You could also try this 60 Second Challenge each day. Record how many speed bounces you can do in 60 seconds and see if you can do more than the day before. Parents can join in too if they want to!


Minibeast Topic


Activity 1 -Learn about some different bugs you may find in your garden using the What am I? Interactive Powerpoint game attached below.

You can draw some pictures of the minibeasts or if you have access to a printer, you can have a look at the matching activity attached below.

Click here for Minibeast What am I Powerpoint

Click here for Minibeast Labelling Task


Activity 2 – If you are able to get out into a garden you could make a simple minibeast hotel with resources you may have lying around the garden like rocks, twigs, grass, soil, plants etc.

Click here for Make Your Own Minibeast Hotel Outdoor Activity




Have a go at some of the pictures by Rob Biddulph. They are lots of fun! Send us your pictures of your drawings please!

Here is his website, and once you are on the website you can follow the link to his youtube channel. He has lots of cool things you can learn to draw.


Have a great week everyone!


Miss McGhee

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