Ms Hutchison's Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

March 27, 2020
by User deactivated

It’s Friday!

Well done everyone we have completed one week of home school.

It might all seem a bit strange just now but we will soon get into our new routine.  Normally in school we correct and collect homework, do some assessments and checks of what we have been learning this week so let’s do that today.

Tell me what you have been doing at home this week. What have you learned? What you want to do again next week?

We usually do problem solving on a Friday … Using sticks or toys make a maze outside or if doing it indoors you can use shoes to lay out the sides of your paths. Remember to tidy the shoes, toys away after.

Remember we also do PE today so make sure you do some exercise or  run around the garden.

Don’t forget Golden Time is for everyone in the house so plan a nice game or treat for the whole family. Enjoy your weekend and remember to sign back in on Monday for more home school.

Love Ms Hutchison

March 26, 2020
by User deactivated

St Joseph’s Page

Boys and Girls don’t forget to check the school’s page. Mrs Ayton has posted some information to help you if you are having problems working Glow.

She also posted some Spanish tasks.

March 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Updates for today

Boys and Girls I am working with Miss Govan in the Hub today with some of our children so I am not able answer you all as promptly as I would wish.

March 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Literacy Week 1

Boys and Girls I won’t post home tasks every day that is a bit unfair when you are trying to plan your day from home. Instead I will put up weekly tasks for you to work through. I have already posted your numeracy tasks for the week see the post below.

I will check in daily and answer questions and or acknowledge your work.

Over the coming weeks we will create little task boards for you to work from.

This week’s literacy task:

Rainbows -Read Chapter 2 of your novel. Choose your favourite 3 paragraphs to read aloud to mum or dad. This gives you a chance to demonstrate your fluency and reading with expression.

In class we did some work on unfamiliar words, look again and choose 5 you are unsure of. Talk to mum and dad about what they mean. Can you work it out from reading around the word? Does it have a word in it that you already know? Remember last week someone asked about what the word puzzlement meant? We worked it out by thinking about what a puzzle is.

Sumshine Group – Would you please read Chapters 9 and 10

Choose your favourite 3 paragraphs to read aloud to mum or dad. This gives you a chance to demonstrate your fluency and reading with expression.

Think about how Elliot is feeling? Do you think he is doing the right thing keeping Denzil a secret?

Rainbow Group – read your reading book and choose another from home. Can you find any words from your reading book in your own book?


March 24, 2020
by User deactivated

Numeracy Week 1

Try and do at least 10 minutes on either Sumdog or Topmarks Hit the Button. Remember to challenge yourself. You should be able to do the division and multiplication tables from 2 to 10. You should be doing the 3 digit addition and subtraction. Try to do something different every day.

March 23, 2020
by User deactivated

How do you think Flora is feeling?


Look at Flora’s expression. Can you make a thought bubble to show what she is thinking?

March 23, 2020
by User deactivated

Welcome to School Week 1

Welcome to a new look Primary 4 everyone.

We normally start our week off with PE and this week is no different.

I have put a link to Joe Wick’s PE for kids channel on youtube. If you have difficulty with this link just ask mum or dad to search Joe Wicks PE for kids on Youtube. He promises a new routine every day.

If you have any difficulty accessing this take advantage of the good weather and make up your own fitness routine in the garden.

Remember keep this in the family, you can shout over the fence to your friends but please stay at least 2 metres away. Remember the length of the yellow metre stick/ruler I use in class.

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