Ms Hutchison's Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

May 17, 2020
by User deactivated

Week beg 18th May

Welcome to  our online class boys and girls.

I have lots of exciting learning for you this week.

Sunshine and Rainbow Groups please look at Teams for your reading tasks this week. Moonbeams your tasks are in the post below this.

I have posted a whole class fraction task in Teams this week, please have a look.

Below we have posts on the Rosary and the celebration of Eid.

I have also posted a link to a wonderful idea – an opera for children.It is a chance for all to perform at home or even online! Please have a look.

Our science task on rainbows continues from last week.

Spelling Task for this week. Use the Say the word, Cover the word, Write the word and Check the word method. Write a sentence for each word.





I am looking forward to seeing and hearing about your participation in Sports Day.

It is a busy week so make sure you take time to plan when you will do your activities.

Ms Hutchison

May 17, 2020
by User deactivated

Music – Take part in a wonderful online opera for kids!

Welcome to our first interactive online opera for kids!

There are 5 songs in Fever! Each Monday, we’ll be posting a new set of exciting activities that work through them, song by song, including:

  • lyrics and teaching guides to learn each song
  • videos that teach some moves to go with them
  • creative writing and science tasks to try
  • tips to make simple props and costumes

Over the 5 weeks, you’ll learn the whole thing! Then, you have a special invitation to join us in a nationwide virtual performance from your own home. 

Alan Penman Words Allan Dunn
Iain Piercy

Some people think opera is only about things that happened a long time ago. Well, this opera is all about a young boy who is struck down by a mystery illness and rushed to hospital. Sound familiar? Outside, the paparazzi demand answers. What is this disease? How is it transmitted and how can it be cured? But the busy medics have no time to talk; they need to get on with finding a vaccine.

Meanwhile, an epic battle is taking place inside the boy’s body as the opposing forces of Good and Bad Bacteria fight to gain control of his immune system… Will he find the strength to overcome his internal enemy? Will the medics find a cure? And will the media folks make it all up anyway, just to get a good headline?

You can join us in making this funny and fast moving story come to life.

I’ll post a new song every Monday. It will be great fun!


May 17, 2020
by User deactivated

RE – The Month of May

During the month of May we remember Our Lady the mother of Jesus. We show our love for her by saying the rosary. It doesn’t take long and in these days of lock down we all have 5 minutes we can give to Our Lady. This week I am asking you to focus on the Joyful Mysteries. You may choose to do the rosary as a family or on your own. Perhaps beside the Altar you made at the start of May.

Here is a short clip to help you say the First Joyful Mystery


There are twenty mysteries to the rosary and these are divided up into four sets.  These mysteries tell us about the life of Jesus;

  1. The Rosary begins with the Joyful Mysteries, which are happy stories about the birth of Jesus and his early life.
  2. The Luminous Mysteries tell us about the life of Jesus as an adult as he spread the Word of God.
  3. The Sorrowful Mysteries tell us about the passion and death of Jesus.
  4. The Glorious Mysteries tell us what happened after Jesus died.

May 17, 2020
by User deactivated

RE – Eid

At the end of this week Ramadan will end at Muslims all over the world will celebrate with the Feast of Eid.

Here is a powerpoint to give you more information. If you didn’t get a chance to read all about Ramadan look back through the posts and you will find a Twinkl Go page with an interactive story


I’ve attached some Eid cards you may wish to colour and give to friends celebrating Eid.

Eid Cards

May 17, 2020
by User deactivated

Moonbeams 18th May

Good morning Moonbeams,

I have attached tasks linked to Twinkl Go. You don’t need to download anything it can all be completed online.

I have some numeracy tasks for you to complete. We had started counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s in the class before lockdown started. These tasks will help you continue this work.

Go to Twinkl Go and when asked to for the code enter this


Literacy – again no need to download everything can be done online. Some spelling tasks, a story and a little video clip about a helpful fox!

Enter the code MH7520


May 15, 2020
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Scientist of the Month!

Maryam has been awarded this because she always posts her work and importantly tells me what she has learned. She proved she was an excellent scientist by suggesting an improvement to the How far does a sneeze travel experiment.

May 15, 2020
by User deactivated

Friday Correction Day! Champion Day!

Good morning Primary 4. I hope you have had a productive week. Thank you so much to all the pupils posting their work in the Teams area. It is great to see the good work you are doing.

The champion’s of the week are listed at the end of the post. Don’t forget to congratulate them in the Team chat area!

Remember yesterday’s post – Make the most of International Family Day!

Here are the answers for this week’s tasks.

Addition Sheet

Money Worksheet Answers

Money two step answers

Reading Task Answers for each group

Sunshine Group

Sunshine Group Answers

Rainbow Group

Rainbows Reading Answers

Moonbeam Group

Moonbeam Group Reading Answers


This week’s champions are Charlotte for a wonderful story writing, Aiden Mackie and Callum – Maths champions. Jamie Northcote for Science.


May 14, 2020
by User deactivated

International Day of Families

Tomorrow is a day to celebrate our families. Today I would like you to write a letter to a member of your family who isn’t living with you at home. It might be a grandparent, aunt, uncle or cousin. Tell them what you have been doing during lock down. Tell them how much you are missing them and what you will do when you get the chance to meet up. You can include a picture if you like.

Your second task is to say something nice to all the people who are living in your home with you during lock down.

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