Ms Hutchison's Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Help Father Kenny Feast of Pentecost Hearts

You may have already seen Father Kenny’s appeal to help decorate the church for the important Feast Day of Pentecost celebrated this Sunday. This is a really important feast day. We remember Pentecost in our Glorious Mysteries when we celebrate the Holy Spirit coming down to the Apostles. Tune in to Mass at St Joseph’s this Sunday to see your art work.

Father Kenny has asked for everyone to decorate a heart and hand it in to the church before Sunday so he can display it on the altar. He has put a template up on the parish Facebook page if you need it. However you can draw your own and put in the names of the people you love. Make it colourful. I’d really like the First Communion Class represented on the altar.


May 25, 2020
by User deactivated

Music with a Science Twist

Song 2

Here, you’ll find everything you need for Week 2. You can download the words and listen to Song 2 ‘Internal Affairs’ below. Make sure you listen to ‘Learn the tune’ to help you rehearse the song in easy steps. Listen to Jack telling the second part of his story, and watch the video with our experts Alan and Lucy, who will teach you the moves for the new song. You can also download this week’s activity– a science experiment you can do at home!

Here are the words for song 2.

Listen to tune here


Here is the promised science experiment. However it comes with a WARNING! Once bread is in the bags you MUST NOT REOPEN and when finished throw away safely. Ask and adult to help supervise.

Science Experiment 25th May

May 24, 2020
by User deactivated

First Holy Communion and Glorious Mysteries

Boys and Girls this week we would have been completing our final preparations to enable you to celebrate your First Holy Communion. Unfortunately this has been delayed but you will make it as soon as it is safe for us all to gather together in celebration and what a celebration it shall be! Here is a little message from the Bishop about your Communion Day, you may wish to watch it with mum and dad.



This is the last week in May so let’s try and make a special effort to say the Rosary this week. It only takes 5 minutes out of your day so we can all find a little time to ask Our Lady for her help. This week I will post links to the Glorious Mysteries.

May 21, 2020
by User deactivated

May Weekend

Tomorrow and Monday are holidays. I will post answers to this week’s work for you to check over on Friday. I’ll post next week’s tasks on Tuesday.

Enjoy the sunshine and have a good weekend.


May 21, 2020
by User deactivated

Ascension Thursday

Today is a great feast day. We would normally go to Mass.

You can join Fr Kenny and Fr Rooney for Mass at 11am or on catch up here:

Here is a little known fact. In the past to make an international call, which means to phone someone in another country, you had to go through an operator. Ascension Thursday was the busiest day in the UK for international calls. Everyone from South America, Spain, Italy, Portugal etc wanted to phone their families to mark this important joyful glorious day!

If you can’t manage please take some time to watch this video. It takes less than 10 minutes

May 20, 2020
by User deactivated

Mental Health Week – Coping with Change

Here are some activities you may wish to do with your family. Change happens all the time. At the moment we are experiencing a really big chance in the way we live, go to school and play with our friends. There may be some insights into how we cope with change both good and bad below.

Here is a useful powerpoint. It has lots of opportunity to talk and listen with your family.

Coping with Change Mental Health Week

This handout is mentioned in the presentation and you may wish to use to talk about the one that interests you most.

Stories of Change Activity Sheet



May 19, 2020
by User deactivated

Mental Health Week

The focus of mental health week 2020 is kindness. A few weeks a go I published a post linked to the efforts of Captain Tom to raise money for the NHS. I challenged you to try to do 100 acts of kindness. How have you being getting on. If you haven’t started yet or started then is a new start. Be kind.

In class we focus on how we achieve our goals. I have attached a short powerpoint you may wish to do with your family. It is suitable for adults to do as well as children. We all have things we want to do or achieve but how do we get there? This reflection and discussion might be helpful. Have a look. It doesn’t take long.

Mental Health – Setting Goals

The discussion cards don’t need to be printed. You could choose to look at them on screen.

Goal Discussion Cards


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