If you are stuck in the house over the weekend why not try this activity?
June 5, 2020
by User deactivated
June 5, 2020
by User deactivated
June 4, 2020
by User deactivated
Believe it or not, making a batch of sun tea is an excellent lesson in the power of sunshine. It’s a lesson in heat—seeing how long it takes the water to heat enough to really diffuse the tea bags or fresh herbs—and it teaches children about currents as the water heats up, something you can view as the tea begins to diffuse into the clear water. Don’t shake or stir, just let nature take its course.
June 3, 2020
by User deactivated
Jack describes how viruses can affect our bodies and reveals how his story becomes public news, while our experts Alan and Lucy teach the moves for song three. You can also learn about the pioneering Dr Jenner in this week’s drama-based activity ‘Newsnight 1796’!
June 3, 2020
by User deactivated
Who knew the magic of a strong paper towel (other than every parent on the planet!)? Amaze the child by using one to make water walk from one cup to another, and teach them about absorption, saturation and gravity at the same time!
You will need
Thanks to capillary action the water moves or “walks” up the paper towels into the empty jar. The middle jar fills up with water until the water levels of all the jars are equal.
June 2, 2020
by User deactivated
I’ve posted a surprise in Teams go to the silly things and photos..scan the QR code!
June 2, 2020
by User deactivated
Next week we will officially start STEM week – with lots of videos and information on twitter. Here is a task you can think about.
In our online Primary 4 class we have being doing a lot of science. This week I picked the sun and water for a theme, previously we did STEM tasks linked to rainbows. We have generally focused on science and the art/design side of STEM but you might choose the technology, engineering or maths part for your focus. In our science area in teams I’ve put various topics for you to explore perhaps one of the experiments might spark an interest. Baking cakes or bread involves science..building dens involves engineering..I know you’ll come up with theme of your own.
June 2, 2020
by User deactivated
This solar energy children’s experiment is aimed at understanding the different heat absorbing capacity of different colours backgrounds and the effect of those on the melting rate of ice cubes.
Materials Needed:
** 6 different coloured square pieces of card or paper. Black and white are essential, and any other 4 colours will do (the three primary colours red, blue and yellow, as well as green are good choices for the other cards). Make the squares about 7cm x 7cm (3 inches x 3 inches).
** 6 ice cubes of the same shape and size
** food dyes (optional)
Put one ice cube on each card and place them all in the sun. Make sure all the ice cubes are exposed to full sunlight. See which one melts the fastest, which melts the slowest.
What Will Happen?
June 1, 2020
by User deactivated
June 1, 2020
by User deactivated
Welcome to online school for the the first week in June! We’ve been having super weather so this week I have planned science lessons linked to the sun. Every day this week I shall post a new science experiment here on Glow for you to try.
I have also posted a STEM challenge in our Teams area..are your ready to amaze your family by walking on eggs without breaking them? Look in the science channel in our Teams area for more details.
I have uploaded literacy and numeracy tasks in the Teams area.
This weeks numeracy tasks reviews a really important concept – so important I always start the school year with it..get this right and addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are easier to follow. How much can you remember? Don’t worry if you need to revise this important concept..I’ve put helpful power points up to help you revise..What is this vital skill? Go to Teams to find out!
Literacy two tasks this week, your usual reading group task and some grammar and poetry to complete.
Our Opera work is coming along nicely check out the music post.
Remember plan your week – make sure your give time to literacy and numeracy!
I’m working in the Hub today so might not be able to answer any emails or chats.
June 1, 2020
by User deactivated
Here is some information about props and characters for you to think about.
The words to Song 3.
Here is a link to the tune
Fake News – Watch the clips teach us an important lesson..not to believe everything we hear on TV or read on the internet
I’ll post the rest of the story and the activity later this week!