Dear parents and pupils,
I have attached this week’s homework to this post.
Some of the pupils tell me they forgot to mention they had homework last week! |If you are presenting your child for First Holy Communion would you please focus on this for homework. I am keeping the homework short and sharp so the children can take advantage of the good weather. They have a daily 15 minutes task to do and a reading challenge of 15 minutes to complete as part of their wind-down/bedtime routine. I am encouraging the children to switch off electronic devices of any kind an hour before bedtime.
RE -First Holy Communion
Mass Responses – Last week the children had a 3.20 minute video to watch and practise the Mass responses for the introduction of Mass. If you didn’t get a chance to go over this section try to do so this week. The children have a Mass response sheet in their school bags, please use this over the coming weeks to help the children learn the responses.
The focus this week is the responses to the readings and the Gospel. The video section starts at 3.20 and ends at 6.00 minutes so again it is less than 3 minutes long. The children have their response sheet to help them.
Please try to attend or watch Mass from our own St Joseph’s Parish Church this week. This will help familiarise the children with the layout of the church as it has been over a year since some have attended.
Mathematics – Sumdog
I have uploaded new challenges for each group. Please try to log on at least twice this week for at least 15 minutes each time. The children have their login details in their bag.
Reading Challenge – Please encourage your child to spend at least 15 minutes reading their own choice of novel every evening. I have suggested this be a before going to bed activity to enable the children to rest their eyes from electronic devices.