Welcome back Primary 5 to our final term.
This post contains the links needed for this week’s homework tasks.
RE – Understanding the parts of the Mass.
Please watch the video clip below. Focus on the first part 3.20 mins long. It explains the Mass responses. After watching this please go to the next link and watch this part of the Mass from St Joseph’s. Please focus on the entrance and introductory part of the Mass for this week.
Here is the link for Mass at St Joseph’s
Read your own novel for 15 minutes every night.
Try this new website maths is fun. The link below takes you to interactive maths word problems. Try to do this twice this week for 15 minutes.
HWB – Good Habits
Get in to the routine for school. Prepare your school bag the night before, try and choose a healthy snack, enjoy the good weather and play outdoors and aim to have no computer, I-pad etc for at least an hour before bed to help you sleep better.