Mr McCloskey has asked that the children start homework this week. Our focus in class this week is Holy Week. Holy Week and Easter are the most important time in the church’s calendar. We remember the final days of Jesus’ earthly life: entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, and Good Friday, followed by the great celebration of Easter Day. I have attached some different activities for you to choose from. I have attached a short video explaining what the children will learn about Holy Week and what they would see at church.
Below are some activities you may choose to do with your child. Please try to complete one.
Outdoors (if you have a garden or safe space):
One way to think about Holy Week and Easter is to create an Easter garden. Find a space in your garden, or a basket or container. You can use sticks or twigs to make the cross, and a small plant pot to create the tomb. Find a prayer to say at your Easter garden on the children’s prayer page.
Decorate an egg and roll it down a hill on Easter Sunday to symbolise the stone being rolled away from the tomb.
CAFOD Stations of the cross activity – Jesus rises from the dead
Create your own pattern
Colour a picture of the Last Supper