Good morning Primary 5,
I hope you enjoyed your mid-term and made the most of the snow. Did you look at the Chinese New Year classroom I created for you on Teams. I really enjoyed watching the firework display.
This week is the start of Lent so two important days Pancake Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. I have put up some activities connected to these two days in the Teams area. I have also attached them here in case you have any difficulty accessing Teams. Below this post is one for your parents. Please show it to them and ask them to read when they can. I have included some activities for you on your parents post.
On Wednesday we are all getting together via Teams to celebrate Ash Wednesday. Fr. Kenny will do a service with the P1 to 3 and then one for us at 10.30am. Please try and set aside some time on Ash Wednesday to come together as a school community or if you are unable as a family. (Mum and Dad have some things they can do with you on their post!)
Celebration Post – Look for the special celebration post below this one. I have posted some of your work. Have a look.
We are starting a new numeracy topic this week – fractions. We are starting as we always do by reminding ourselves of our previous learning. I have left workbooks and worksheets for you collect from school this week. We will need them for next week’s fraction work so remind your parents to collect your envelopes.
In our topic work we are looking at Spain this week – a little big of geography to start you on your journey. The tasks are all on Teams.
Cookie and Circle Group you have your work and books I sent home. Please work through these and post or email me your tasks when you have finished. I have posted some extra activities for you in Teams but don’t forget you have the topic and RE tasks to do too.
RE Tasks.
This week we have just one style of planner as it was the most popular. You should still do all your green tasks first then your yellow and if time some blue. Please take time away from the computer to give your eyes a rest.