Ms Hutchison's Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

Parents and Guardians week beg. 15th February


Dear Parents & Guardians,

Welcome back from our short mid-term break. I have uploaded the children’s work to the Teams area as normal. This half of the term there will be only one style of planner. The list planner was the favourite so that is the format for going forward. You will see I have kept to the green, yellow and blue banding to guide your planning.

Envelopes with workbooks for your child are available to be picked up this week. We will be using the workbooks next week as part of home learning.


This week we start our new topic of Fractions. We started this in Primary 4 just before the first lockdown in March 2020 so we are starting from there, revising and reviewing previous learning. I am aware many of you do not have access to a printer and the work this week does not require any sheets to be printed off .As mentioned above I have left envelopes with workbooks/worksheets to be used next week. I believe a text alert was sent out last week asking you to collect this material.


We are continuing our novel for the majority of the class and this week’s activities focus on chapters 2 and 3. I have posted a video clip for the pupils to view before doing the reading to write task. The spelling task moves on to our new phoneme family sh. The PowerPoint has speech. If using a laptop your child should click on the three dots to the side of the resource and choose to  open PowerPoint online. If viewing on an I -pad open the PowerPoint via the app to hear the voice.


This week is the start of Lent. I am going to attach some activities for you do for Ash Wednesday and Lent. The activities have been designed with the Covid restrictions in mind. I am pleased to say that Fr. Kenny will lead the school in celebrating Ash Wednesday. The primary 4 to 7 service is at 10.30am via Teams the same as the weekly assemblies.

Extract from Parish bulletin “This week sees us begin our journey of Lent. Clearly it will be different than previous years living in this pandemic. There are no public masses therefore we cannot distribute Ashes, but maybe it gives us the opportunity to focus on what Lent is all about, renewing ourselves and drawing closer to God…”

When working with the pupils in school I talk about how that this time of year we often see people Spring cleaning their homes…Lent for us is a chance to Spring clean ourselves and reconnect with God.

Here is a really short video clip which you may wish to look at before talking about the importance of Ash Wednesday and Lent with your child.

I have attached some Lenten activities designed for our current lockdown situation. Please take the time to look through and choose to participate in the ones that suit your family.



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