Dear Parents/Guardians,
We will be starting our class novel week beg. 25th January. I have left a copy of the novel for each child in school. You may collect this from school during normal school hours next week.
I have included some literacy and numeracy ‘emergency worksheets’ which you may wish to use if you experience access issues with Teams and Glow. These sheets do not need to be uploaded to the shared space. I have given enough emergency worksheets to last several weeks.
Online Learning
I am aware of the pressures of trying to work from home and supervise your child’s learning. I have decided to post all activities for the week on a Monday. I know that some days parents have more time to support their child on tasks than other days so hope this is useful.
The tasks have been colour coded. When planning your tasks for the week please focus on green tasks first, then yellow tasks and finally blue tasks.
The literacy and numeracy tasks are in the Teams area as before. The other areas posted on the Glow page. It will be up to each family to decide the order in which they complete tasks.
I have put up an overview of tasks for the week for the groups on the children’s post on Glow.
Uploading completed work
A few parents have mentioned the difficulty uploading the completed tasks. Please upload the work when you can and don’t worry about the submission dates. These dates are there to help me keep track. I regularly check the assignment folders and find work whenever you post it. If you have difficulty posting in the Teams assignment area email me the work instead.
Some work has been posted in the general comments area and I’m afraid it is being lost amongst all the comments. It is a bit like leaving your work on the teacher’s desk instead of the correction basket. The work gets buried under a pile of other books and paper. I don’t want to miss the opportunity to report back to the children.
Helping the children complete their tasks
Some of the children are finding it difficult to follow the directions/instructions without the reassurance of an adult double checking. They normally have this support in class from me! On the children’s post there is a short clip showing the children how they can hear the instructions being read to them in the Teams. They can play the instructions as often as they need. I hope this takes some ‘pester pressure’ off you
Please let me know if you find this approach helps you plan and work with your child better than last week’s daily lesson update. We will adapt and develop the learning programme as we move through this new lockdown. I pray that it will be not long until it is safe to have all the pupils back in school.
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