Start your numeracy session off with some recall work.
Task 1 – Mental Recall
Go to Topmarks Hit the Button. Try 10 minutes on the multiplication tables choose the 12 tab and practise the 6x, 7x, 8x, and 9x. Then go to the division button and try the division tables for 3, 4, and 6 for 10 minutes. Keep a note of your score.
Task 2 – Mental Agility – Addition and Multiplication of money
Look at the power point. Use your jotter or a white board to make notes of your calculations if you need to. This is not a race! Take your time and get the answer correct. For this activity accuracy is more important than speed! You know who I’m talking to!! Keep a note of your score.
Square and Triangle WednesdayMoney-Problems-Task-Setter-Powerpoint
Task 3 Written problem solving
Triangle and Squares problem solve monday money
Task 4 Virtual Classroom
See separate post.
Task 5
Go back to Topmarks and try to beat your scores.
Task 6 Upload your scores and written problem solving to the Teams assignment area.