Primary 4 we are in our final week! This term has been a strange one but definitely one I will remember. We have had one of the sunniest Spring term I can remember. We haven’t been able to come together in school but we have been able to continue to learn just in a different way. Working from home has brought challenges and rewards for us all.
- I want you to think about what you enjoyed about this term and what you didn’t like so much. Write down your thoughts on the worksheet below. Task 1 22nd June
- Now think about the different tasks posted here on Glow and on Teams. Which have you really enjoyed? Which were challenging? Finally which would you like to avoid? Now note down your thoughts on the worksheet below Task 2 22nd June
- What about your life skills list – how many can you do? What else have you learned that is not on the list? I have attached a copy of the list here to remind you. Tick off what you can do and add other skills you have developed. Life Skills to Learn During Lockdown
- What would help you learn in a more effective way while still working from home? Put your comments on the worksheet below. Task 4 22nd June
- Send me the answers to each stage as you go. You can post it Teams.