Two literacy activities today – all about scientist and inventors.
Task 1:
Famous Designers and Inventors
This is a listening and watching activity. The Powerpoint tells you about different inventors. Watch it through once, then go back to the link for Alexander Graham Bell. The link to the Youtube clip is quite slow to load so be patient.
Here is the direct link if the Powerpoint it too slow.
Once you have watched the clip answer the questions below.
Task 2: Thinking, Reasoning and Sharing
I know you really enjoy these kind of tasks! Look at the appliances on the worksheet and put them into the order of importance. Tell an adult your answers and IMPORTANTLY WHY you think this. The good think is could can’t be wrong it is your opinion which you must back up with reasons – “cause I like it” – isn’t a good enough reason.
Perhaps ask an adult to do the task at the same time. Then share your you agree with each other? Did you manage to persuade them with your reasoning or did they change your mind? Again this is good – when we share opinions we listen to other people’s views too. Sometimes we influence them and sometime they inform and get us to change our opinion.