Mrs McAlinden & Mrs Houston Primary2/3

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

April 1, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Wednesday 1st April

Good morning everyone,

Today I would like you to find out about winged dinosaurs. You could start off by watching Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures on the bbc I player – look for episode 10. Ornithocheirus and Sand Dollar.

Can you describe how they look, their size, what they eat? Perhaps you could create a picture too.

Also spelling – P2 can you make 5 words with the ‘ew’ phoneme (for example new). Try writing these on your own by sounding them out.
P3 – your new phoneme is “ough”. This is a tricky one. What words can you think of which have this, for example, cough.

Lastly, if you can, get out for some fresh air. Mrs Houston gave you some good ideas for little circuits you can do in your garden. Try making up your own!

Take care boys and girls and I hope to hear from you all soon.

Mrs McAlinden x

March 31, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday, 31st March 2020

Buenos dias a todos.  Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well.  Here are some little tasks for you:

Literacy – Practise your common words. Say, write and read them. Ask an adult to test you.

Poem for Tuesday

My Best Friend by Abby Jenkins (adapted)

Black and white, thick and furry

Fast as the wind, always in a hurry

Couple of spots, rub my ears

Always comes when his name he hears.

Loves his ball, it’s his favourite thing

What’s most fun for him?  Everything!

Try to write a short poem yourself about an animal or pet.


P2  Continue to practise counting to 100 in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s. 2x tables. (use to help)

P3 Continue to practise counting on and back to 100 same as P2. 2x, 3x, 4x and 5x tables. (use to help)

Primary 3 try some chimney sums like the following –





Check out  This site has basic numeracy games but I  like it because it can be converted to Spanish with the click of a button.  I’m sure you will enjoy it especially our primary 2 children.

This is Our Faith

Say a ” Hail Mary ”


Count to 10 in Spanish then try doing it backwards

Have a great day boys and girls

Senora Houston



March 29, 2020
by User deactivated

Monday, 30th March 2020

Buenos dias a todos. Good morning everyone.  I hope you have all had a good weekend.  Here are a few tasks for you to do.


Primary 2 Common Words – Easter, who, after, hand, bright, right.

Say the words, write the words, read the words then pyramid spell the words.

If you have time select 3 of the words and write a sentence for each.

Primary 3 Common Words – Easter, back, bird, between, world, cheese, active, bright.

Say the words, write the words, read the words then pyramid spell the words.

Select 5 words and write a sentence for each.

Remember capital letters and full stops.

Numeracy – Use all of the great internet websites boys and girls to keep your times tables skills sharp. Try and sumdog.  Mrs McAlinden also suggested some websites that you will enjoy.

Click on to Cbeebies homepage and you will also get some good games and ideas.

Health and Wellbeing

If you have a garden go outside to exercise, try 10 bunny hops, 10 star jumps, run on the spot and count to 10.  Do this circuit 3 times. (Remember our circuit lessons in school and try to make your own.)

Remember Joe Wicks is on every morning at 9 o’clock.

Have a fun day today.

(Dear Parents, I may not be able to respond to your children today as I will be working at the hub but I’ll get back to them as soon as I can)

Mrs Houston

March 27, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Friday 27th March

Hi again everyone,

Fun Friday! So today I have some literacy and numeracy games for you to try online if you can.  They can all be accessed through Topmarks if you have any trouble with the links.

P3   (Karate Cats)

Let me know what colour belt you make it to on Karate Cats Primary 3s!


P2 –  select 2 times table on this game and see if you can match up the correct answers.   select the ‘ow’ phoneme.


Have fun and good luck!

Mrs McAlinden

March 26, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Thursday 26th March

Good morning everyone,

Today I wonder who can find out the answers to these dinosaur questions.

  1. Was the Diplodocus carnivore or herbivore?
  2. Did the Allosaurus move on 2 or 4 legs?
  3. Which dinosaur’s name means ‘terrible claw’?
  4. Can you remember what the name Stegosaurus means?

Good luck!

Mrs McAlinden

March 25, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Wednesday 25th March

Good morning everyone!  I hope you are all keeping safe and healthy with your families.

I’m sure you have all been completing some tasks from the grids that were sent home.  Perhaps you could let Mrs Houston & I know what you’ve been working on, or if mum/dad/an adult are really clever they might be able to upload a picture of some of your great work on here.

Here are some other tasks for you to work on today.

  1. It is the Feast of the Annunciation.  This is when the Angel Gabriel visited Mary to tell her she would be the Mother of Jesus.  Say a Hail Mary today for your own Mum.
  2. Mrs Houston posted a little poem about a rabbit yesterday.  Can you write a short poem of your own about a rabbit or other springtime animal?  We would love to read them!
  3. Use topmarks to practise your times table knowledge.
  4. Can you find out 3 facts about the dinosaur Triceratops?

Please let us know how you are all getting on boys & girls.  I know I am finding it hard to be stuck in the house and I miss seeing your happy faces!

Take care

Mrs McAlinden x



March 24, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday, 24th March 2020

Good morning everyone (buenos dias a todos) I hope you are all well.  I am working at home today.  Here is a little plan for you.

Log on to youtube and workout with Joe Wicks, have fun!

Literacy – P2 and P3 Write out your common words 3 times, select 2 of the words and write a sentence for each word. Remember to use a capital letter and a full stop.

Here is a little spring-time poem for you to read.

My Rabbit.

My Rabbit has funny habits.

When I say sit, he sits.

When he hears me call he wags his tail a bit.

When I throw a ball he grabs it.

What a funny rabbit! 

by John Agard.

Numeracy – log on to and select Learning Games for your age group. Choose a category multiplication and division and play Hit The Button.

P2 count to 50, say 2x table out loud

P3 count to 100, say 2x, 3x, 4x and 5x tables out loud.

This is our Faith – Prayer to Our Lady – say the Hail Mary with your family members.

I hope you have a nice day today boys and girls, I know it will be hard being inside so much and missing school.  I am missing you all very much and I hope to see you soon. Take care and be good.

Buenos dias a todos

Esta nublado (It is cloudy)

Senora Houston



March 23, 2020
by User deactivated

Monday, 23rd March 2020

Good morning children! Buenos Dias Chicos!

Today is Monday. Hoy es lunes.

Its sunny.  Hace sol.

Literacy – Go on a noun hunt.  Look around your home, find five nouns but they must be the colour red (rojo) eg a red pencil.

  1. Note these words down in your note book or homework jotter.

2. Pyramid spell these words then write a sentence for each one.

Your common words are – round, found, wish, men. Say them, write them, read them.

Numeracy – Primary 2.  Count forwards and backwards to 10 then 20.

Primary 3 – Count forwards and backwards to 50 then 100. You can write down the numbers if you need to or print a number square from Twinkl. (An adult will have to help with the printing etc)

Primary 2 – write out and learn 2x table

Primary 3 – write out and learn 3x, 4x and 5x tables.

Spanish Days of the week. (remember capital letters are not used for days of the week in Spain)

Los dias de la semana.

lunes – Monday

martes – Tuesday

miercoles – Wednesday

jueves – Thursday

viernes – Friday

sabado – Saturday

domingo – Sunday

BBCteach has some fabulous spanish songs.

Thank your children. Muchas gracias. Remember you have your homework grids to complete too.  Lots to do but stay home stay safe.


Mrs Houston


March 19, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow
1 Comment

Missing our class

Hi everyone,

It has been a strange week. For those of you that haven’t been able to  make it in to school, I have missed you all but I really hope that we will be back together after Easter or not long after.   Until then keep checking our Glow page everyday for some tasks and activities, keep safe and well and look after yourselves and your families.


Mrs McAlinden


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