Mrs McAlinden & Mrs Houston Primary2/3

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

April 29, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Wednesday 29th April

Good morning boys & girls.

A few tasks for you today.  Literacy –  can you think of 5 verbs that tell me things you have been doing at home?  For example some of mine would be reading, sleeping, exercising.

Reading a fun story you can listen to or read along with.

Maths – create a pattern outside using objects you can find (leaves, stones, toys) or create a table of things you find in your garden using tally marks ( one mark for each object).  It might look something like this.

Leaves   III

Stones   IIII

Flowers II

Take a photo if you can to send to me or post on Twitter.

Topic – what does the Japanese word origami mean?

Watch the video and see if you can create your own origami fish!  You might need a grown up to help.

Have a lovely day everyone.  I miss you all.

Mrs McAlinden x

April 28, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday, 28th April 2020

Buenos Dias a todos.

Morning Prayer – Father in Heaven you love me, you’re with me night and day. I want to love you always in all I do and say. I’ll try to please you, Father bless me through this day. Amen.

Joke Number 2 Tell it to someone in your house.

What do you get when an elephant sits on your friend?

A flat mate!

Hope it makes you laugh.

Now today is gym day. (martes)

Log on to Cosmic Kids Yoga and click on Popcorn the Dolphin watch Jamie and copy her moves.

Literacy – Poetry (Final day for poetry – I think)

The Lion and the Unicorn

The lion and the unicorn were fighting for the crown

The lion beat the unicorn all round the town.

Some gave them white bread, some gave them brown

Some gave them plum cake and drummed them out of town.

Try to write another poem about The Lion and the Unicorn.


Yesterday you were trying to measure things in your house.

Today if you have a pet try to guess how long they are, then try (if possible) to measure them. If you don’t have a pet ask an adult in your house to lie on the carpet and measure how long they are.  That should be fun!


  1. Your jotter or notebook
  2. Your computer screen
  3. Your pencil case.

Say your times tables every day boys and girls and with the help of an adult you could learn a new one.

P2 – x2 times table then double it to make the x4 times table (ask an adult to write it out with you)

P3 – x3 times table then double it to make x6 times table (ask an adult to write it out with you)

This Is Our Faith

Say a Hail Mary

God Bless you all

Your teacher

Mrs Houston (please put a wee comment on Glow to say hola)

April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

Monday, 27th April 2020

Buenos dias a todos! I hope you had a great weekend, the weather was absolutely beautiful.  Here are some things for you to work on today or spread it out over the week.

Firstly, a joke for the day – Number 1

What do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish?

Swimming Trunks.

Tell me a joke if you know one.


P2 – five, time, life, line, Summer, number

P3 – white, great, twelve, morning, different, fourteen

Copy the words into your jotter or notebook then cover, write and check. Next, pyramid spell your words.  Finally, select 3 words and write a sentence for each word always remember to include a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end.

Maths – Ask an adult to help

Ask an adult for a measuring tape. Look around the room you are sitting in, what things could you measure? Is there a table, television, a rug or even Alexa? Measure how long or tall these things are.  Next try to measure how tall you are and note down all the measurements in your notebook.

If you do not have a measuring tape, look for a ruler and measure a book, a pencil, a mobile phone or any other smaller items you have around you. Try to be accurate look at the centimetres (cm) carefully.

Log on to BBC Teach and watch Titch and Ted Begin Their Measurement Challenge.

Time for a little break….. do the 2 minute breathe bubble (you will be able to google it) and relax for 2 minutes.

Topic – Japan 

So you have already discovered that the capital city is Tokyo and the highest mountain is Mount Fuji.  Now let’s do some more fact finding.

  1. Name 2 different regions of Japan.
  2. What type of food is very popular in Japan? (name a few)
  3. What is the national flower of Japan?

You could make a fact file for all the information you have found about Japan.

That’s all for now boys and girls. I hope you have a super day.

Look after yourself and say hello (hola) to all your family for me.

Your teacher,

Senora Houston

Hasta luego

April 24, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Friday 24th April

Fun Friday again boys and girls!

Literacy – ask a grown up to test you on this week’s spelling words.  Also read to or with an adult.

Numeracy – P2 count in 2s and 5s – can you do it forwards & backwards?  P3 – ask a grown up to test you on 2, 3,4, 5 and 10 times tables.  Try 10 questions like a mental maths test!

Let me know about something you have done this week that you are proud of.  You can send me a picture, post on twitter or leave me a comment.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs McAlinden x

April 23, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Thursday 23rd April

Hello again! Another lovely day today so be sure to get outside for some exercise and fun.

Today’s tasks – spelling – use your spelling words to write some silly sentences.

Reading – I’ve been trying to do a bit more reading while we are off and I wondered what book or books you have been enjoying? Let me know!

RE – say a grace before and after meals today with your family.

Maths – go on to Sumdog if you can.

Have a nice day boys and girls.
Mrs McAlinden ❤️

April 22, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely Easter with your families and are all safe and well.  I am missing you all very much.

Some tasks for today –

P2 – a new phoneme for you to learn about ‘igh’ watch this video

P3 – new phoneme ‘y’ as in gym. Can you think of 5 more words with this phoneme?

Numeracy – everyone go on to topmarks and do Daily 10 – keep practising those mental maths skills!

Lastly can you create the flag of Japan? Use any materials you want – do it inside or outside. What does the flag represent and what is is called? I’d love to see some of your flags if you can post photographs for me.

Also get outside and enjoy some of this lovely sunshine we are having.

Mrs McAlinden x

April 21, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday, (martes) 21st April 2020

Buenos dias a todos, Good morning everyone!

Today is Tuesday and we have gym today.

You can start with Joe Wicks or any other work out that you do with your family.  If you have a garden you could set up stations and get some fresh air and exercise.  If you don’t have a garden you could go for a walk and add in some running or cycling.  It’s a beautiful day! Hace un dia precioso!

After exercise log on to Youtube and type in – 2 minute breathe bubble – you will be able to meditate with this, it’s fantastic, I love it.


Log on to Youtube and type in Jack Hartmann

P2 – The Penguin Dance

P3 – Count to 100 with Grandma and Grandpa

Practise your times tables from yesterday – do this every day.


Poem for Tuesday

There Once Was A Man

There once was a man

Called Knocketty Ned

Who wore a cat

On top of his head.

Upstairs, downstairs

The whole world knew

Wherever he went 

The cat went too.

by Charles Causley

Try a poem yourself, I’m making a book with all our poems in to show everyone when we get back to school.


Religious Education – This is our Faith

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Please say a Hail Mary.

Muchas Gracias a todos (thank you everyone)

Have a nice day

Your teacher, Mrs Houston

April 20, 2020
by User deactivated

Monday, 20th April 2020

Buenos dias a todos (good morning everyone) Hace un dia precioso! (it’s a beautiful day)

Welcome back to your home school.

Literacy – Spelling words

P2 – fly, bring, Mr., two, where, because

P3 – city, icy, face, place, more, house, multiply

Write the word, cover and check.  Pyramid spell or use multicoloured pencils to write the words.

Select 3 words and write a sentence for each word.

Numeracy – check out BBCBitesize on website or iplayer. Select maths lessons for primary school.

P2 – 2x table and play on (select any game)

P3 – 3x, 5x, 10x tables and play on (select any game)

All children select 3 even numbers from this list – 2,4,6,8,10,12 now add these numbers together to find the answer.  Do this 3 times with 3 different numbers.

All children select 3 odd numbers from this list – 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 now add these numbers together to find the answer. Do this 3 times with 3 different numbers.

Spanish – Dias de la semana (Days of the week)

Say the days out loud

lunes (Monday) martes (Tuesday) miercoles (Wednesday) jueves (Thursday) viernes (Friday) sabado (Saturday) domingo (Sunday)

Topic – The country of Japan.

Japan is a country in Asia. Find our 3 facts about Japan.

  1. What is the capital city of Japan? (What is the capital city of Scotland?)
  2. How many people live in Japan?  (How many people live in Scotland?)
  3. What is the tallest mountain in Japan? (What is the tallest mountain in Scotland?)

That’s a lot of work to get started on boys and girls.  Good luck and remember to have a break and a snack.  It’s a beautiful day and I hope you are able to get a little fresh air with your family.

Missing you all very much.

Senora Houston


April 3, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Friday 3rd April

Friday again boys and girls!

Today we’ll keep it fun again and use top marks for some literacy and numeracy tasks.

Literacy – P2 use Forest Phonics and this week select the ew phoneme.
P3 – Eerie nouns and adjectives (go to 7 -11 spelling and grammar).

Numeracy – Daily 10. Use this as your mental maths test! Then select any game to practise your times tables.

Finally, can you do a little scavenger hunt in your garden?
Can you SEE – something an animal eats and something in your favourite colour.

Can you HEAR – something far away and a weather sound.

Can you FEEL – something smooth and something cold.

Have fun and have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs McAlinden

April 2, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Thursday 2nd April

Hello again everyone,

Today can you go on to topmarks and select the Daily 10 game.  You can practise your mental maths skills and choose from addition, subtraction or multiplication.

P2- can you use some of your toys or things in the house to count in groups of 5? Also try counting aloud in 5s – can you do it all the way to 100?
P3- Can you complete these sums – 32 x 2    22 x 4    33 x 3    24 x 2    30 x 4.

Lastly, can you write about how you’ve been keeping busy while we are off. Are you missing school? P3 a short paragraph please. P2 try 2 or 3 sentences.

Mrs McAlinden x


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