Mrs McAlinden & Mrs Houston Primary2/3

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

May 12, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Wednesday 13th May

Hi boys and girls!  I am very impressed with the hard work lots of you are sharing.  You are all doing so well and I know it can be hard to get your school work done at home sometimes.

Today I’d like you to complete the number challenges I have set for you on Sumdog.

For literacy – follow this link and watch the video of the story or read it yourself if you wish.

P3 can you answer these questions:

  1. Why did the slow yolk feel like the worst climber in the world?
  2. How do you think the slower yolk felt when someone helped him?
  3. Why do you think slow yolk didn’t stop climbing like some of the others? What adjectives do you think might descride his character?
  4. Do you think he made it to the top of the great hill?  Continue the story with one more paragraph to explain what you think happened and how he felt.

P2 – Can you draw a picture of the slow yolk reaching the top of the great hill and write a sentence to finish the story and explain how he felt.

Practise your spelling words in any way you choose today too.

Finally a little fun song.  The Japanese language is very different from ours and this little song lets you hear how they use our vowel sounds a,e,i,o and u.  Have a listen and see if you can sing along!

Take care everyone.

Mrs McAlinden

May 11, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday, 12th May 2020

Buenos dias a todos, I hope you are all well and had a lovely long weekend.

Here are some tasks for you to do today and over the week ahead.


P2 Spelling words

take, gave, cold, don’t, walk, grow, again

P3 Spelling words

does, changes, think, Friday, most, colour

Task 1 – Write the words, cover, spell and check then pyramid spell all words.

Task 2 – Draw a picture – any picture – then secretly hide your spelling words within the picture. If you can,  post on media and I will try to find your words. Ask someone in your home if they can find your words.

Task 3 – Write a silly spelling story and include all your spelling words.  Your silly story does not have to make sense.


P2 children – with assistance from a parent, look in your cutlery drawer. Take out all the teaspoons and spoons.  How many do you have in total? Now make up sums like this…

3 spoons and 4 spoons = 7 spoons (3+4=7)

Collect the spoons into little groups of 2 like this … 2 groups of 2 = 4 or 2 groups of 3 = 6. 2 groups of 4 = 8….keep going if you have enough spoons!

P3 children you can also have some fun with spoons.

P3 children also keep practising topmarks and sumdog games.

Here’s a game to try.

Take two dice and roll them until you get a two digit number for example 12 then roll a single dice once for example 5.  Make a sum with these two number

12 + 5 = 17

12 – 5 = 7

How many different sums can you make?

Roll the dice 6 times and soon you will have a full page of sums.

Health and Wellbeing

Finally boys and girls… we are allowed to go out more and the weather is fine so here is a little video for you to watch then try to spot some of these birds when you are out and about.


Have a great day

Your teacher

Mrs Houston


May 7, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Thursday 7th May

Hi everyone,

This is ours last day of work for this week as tomorrow is a special holiday, VE Day. Watch Newsround to find out a bit more about this. Can you tell me what VE Day stands for and why it is being celebrated? Then make a picture to commemorate this special day. Be as creative as you like!

Numeracy – back on to Sumdog to complete your challenges. Also practise times tables out loud. P2 – x2 and x5. P3 – x2,3,4,5 and 10!

If you are on Glow be sure to say Hi! It’s always lovely to hear from you all.
Mrs McAlinden x

May 6, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Smile stones 😃

Here’s a little challenge for you boys and girls. This sounds like fun too. I can’t wait to see what you create. Remember to send me some photos or even ask an adult to tweet them on our school Twitter page.

May 6, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Wednesday 6th May

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well and enjoying the lovely sunshine.

Tasks today.

  • Literacy – Mrs Houston asked you to read ‘The Atrocious Fairytale’ yesterday. P3 can you create a visualiser for one of the characters and detail what information in the story helped you.
  • p2 pick the hero, villain or dragon- draw a picture and choose 5 adjectives to describe the character.

Numeracy – I have set a new number challenge for you on Sumdog.  Good luck! 

Topic- watch this video.

Can you learn the numbers 1-10 in Japanese. Maybe you’d like to film yourself and let us see!

Have a lovely day and I’m really looking forward to hearing from you all.
Mrs McAlinden xx

May 5, 2020
by User deactivated

Tuesday, 5th May 2020

Buenos dias chicos! Hace sol (It’s sunny) What a beautiful day! I have been out walking this morning as George and I got up bright and early.  Here are a few things for you to do today.


Log on to and watch The Atrocious Fairytale.  Try to answer the following questions in a full sentence. (Capital letters and full stops) P3 children you should answer all of the 7 questions and P2 children ask an adult to help you if possible.

  1. Ask an adult to help to find the word “atrocious” in the dictionary. Tell me what is means.
  2. Write a short description of the atrocious princess.
  3. Who was commanded to find the King’s daughter?
  4. What did the atrocious villain once build?
  5. What was silly about the dragon?
  6. What did the Queen lose?
  7. Where was the atrocious princess?


Parents (some homework for you too) and children

log on to Cbeebies – and look for Ten Ways To Help Your Child With Maths

This may help P2s in particular.

P3s please also focus on xtables, keep practising daily.

Topic – Japan

Learn some Japanese words – just for fun, click on the link.

This Is Our Faith

Say a Hail Mary to Our Lady as May is a very important month for her.

And Finally…

Look at my photos of my walk with George.  Can you guess where I was? It isn’t far from my house.  Look very closely and you will see some wildlife.  What is it? Have a super day, boys and girls and I can’t wait to hear from you, I’ll be here all day.

Your teacher

Mrs Houston

May 3, 2020
by User deactivated

Monday, 4th May 2020

Hola boys and girls just a few things to keep you learning.  Today I will be in the Hub school working so I’ll check up on Glow later.

Literacy and Spelling words

P2 – home, more, school, Mrs., three, yellow

P3 – list, late, Thursday, show, together, through

You know what to do…write, cover and check. Pyramid spell then 3 sentences.


Select any games from Topmarks or other suitable websites that you enjoy playing on.

Topic – Japan

Watch this Youtube clip and write down 3 things you see.

Health and Wellbeing 

Go out for a walk, cycle or scooter. It’s a beautiful day!

Your teacher

Mrs Houston

May 1, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Friday 1st May

Good morning! I can’t believe it is May already.

This is one of the months dedicated to Our Lady. So I would like you to try and say a Hail Mary every day if you can. Also, Mary is the Mother of Jesus and to us all. Can you tell me what is so special about your own mum? Maybe you could make her a little card or picture to show her how special she is.

Numeracy – try to finish off the Sumdog challenges I set you yesterday. P3 to practise your 3, 4 & 5 times tables ask someone to give you questions and see how many you can answer in one minute.  P2 can you try this with addition sums up to 20.

Finally choose a spelling strategy to practise this week’s common words – you can rainbow write, pyramid spell, write in capitals, or make up your own!

Have a lovely weekend, I think the sun has to come back out! Mrs McAlinden x

April 30, 2020
by gw09mcalindencarolin@glow

Thursday 30th April

Hello everyone,

Tasks for today. Literacy – write a short story about something that you are really looking forward to doing once ‘lockdown’ is over.  What are you missing? For me it is visiting my mum and dad and giving them a hug 🤗.

Sumdog challenges! Today I have set you 2 different challenges on sumdog.  You should be able to access these by logging in then clicking on tasks. There is a time challenge and an addition/subtraction one.  Good luck!

Finally can you create a poster or drawing with some positive messages we can share with each other during this time and help to keep us all smiling! 😃

Have a lovely day boys & girls.

Mrs McAlinden x

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